Izzadeen Malik El-Amin: The Last Generation

Izzadeen Malik El-Amin believes that this is the last generation and that societal values ​​are rapidly deteriorating. He notes that people today are increasingly self-centered, driven by inflated egos and delusions fueled by social media. El-Amin points out that social media encourages young women to believe that they are universally desired, leading to a highly sexualized society where personal desires are prioritized over meaningful relationships.

He criticizes the attention-seeking behavior of young women and the weak, lust-driven boys who pursue them. El-Amin argues that these women degrade themselves by seeking the wrong kind of attention, and compares their behavior to that of prostitutes. He believes that this shift has undermined the institution of marriage, with young men turning to drug dealing to impress these women and young women giving themselves away for free.

El-Amin argues that feminism, driven by Rockefeller ideas, has dismantled the nuclear family. He claims that women are forced to work, which in turn indoctrinates children by the state. This separation undermines the influence and values ​​of parents, and is consistent with the supposed goal of women’s liberation to break family ties.

He laments the erosion of religion and emphasizes the rise of a godless society in which actions are contrary to God’s will. El-Amin emphasizes that as society strays further from religious principles, it embraces behaviors that are contrary to divine teachings.