Florida politicians react after Joe Biden withdraws


President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he is withdrawing from the 2024 election.

“I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country that I step down and focus solely on fulfilling the duties of my president for the remainder of my term,” Biden said in an afternoon social media post. He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place.

Here’s how Florida’s elected leaders and other politicians are reacting to the news:

After calling on President Joe Biden to resign earlier in the day, U.S. Sen. Rick Scott said Sunday night that he would introduce a resolution calling on Biden’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution allows for a process to replace a president deemed unfit to serve. If that happens, Vice President Kamala Harris would take Biden’s place.

“Biden is unable to meet the demands of the job and that poses a threat to our national security,” Scott wrote in a social media post.

Miami’s Republican Mayor Francis Suarez said that despite the news, he believes former President Donald Trump is still “the best person to lead our country with energy, strength and vision.”

Saurez himself also made a bid for the presidency, but dropped out in August 2023. He was the first Republican candidate to do so.

“The crisis for Democrats must be laid at the feet of the Democratic elites who circumvented a Democratic nomination process,” he said in a statement. “At the same time, it is clear that Joe Biden is incapable of governing and/or campaigning. It should never have gotten to this point.”

Concerns were raised after this politically charged statement was posted on the official Instagram account of the city of Miami, but it has since been removed.

Florida Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for a run for the White House.

“Vice President Harris understands the challenges facing our country and has the experience and vision to lead us forward with compassion and competence,” the Broward County Democrat said in a statement, echoing the support of several of her allies in the Florida Legislature. “Together, let’s continue to move forward toward a better future for all and elect our first woman president in November!”

Al Cardenas, former chairman of the Florida Republican Party, said the timing of President Joe Biden’s announcement was “brilliant.”

“He waited until after (the Republican National Convention) when all the bullets were wasted on him to announce his decision,” Cardenas said on social media. He is a Republican but opposes former President Donald Trump.

“This clears the way,” he wrote in another post, referring to Biden’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. “An open primary would have been a disaster, there was really no time left.”

But Senator Blaise Ingoglia, another former speaker, had a very different view.

“REMINDER: The @FlaDems have CANCELLED their presidential primary and handed the delegates to @JoeBiden, who is now trying to hand them to @KamalaHarris,” the Spring Hill Republican wrote in a social media post.

“The rank and file Democrats in FL never had a say,” Ingoglia continued. “The party of ‘choice’ didn’t even give their voters a choice. So much for ‘saving democracy’ huh?”

The Florida Democratic Party nominated Joseph R. Biden Jr. as its sole candidate, meaning there was no ballot for Democratic voters in the state. Nikki Fried, the party’s Florida chair, justified this by saying that this was also the case when Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ran for office, as previously reported by the Florida Phoenix.

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ initial comments after the announcement were largely directed at Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Kamala Harris was complicit in a massive cover-up to hide and deny the fact that Joe Biden was incapable of performing the duties of office,” he said in a social media post. “She was also the border czar during the worst border crisis in American history. Democrats are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”

US Congressman Maxwell Frost, the first member of Generation Z to be elected to Congress, had plenty of compliments for the oldest US president on Sunday.

“President Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the most effective and progressive presidents in our country’s history,” the Orlando Democrat said in a statement.

He also joined other leading Democrats in encouraging Vice President Kamala Harris to run against former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race.

“Make no mistake, the threat of fascism and authoritarianism is real in our country,” he said. “That is why we must now look forward.”

President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race is unlikely to change predictions about how Florida’s valuable electoral votes will be distributed, writes Antonio Fins of the Palm Beach Post.

But Fins writes that the decision could make elections more competitive for lower-tier voters in the state.

“In politics, just like in sports, sometimes you root for the team,” said Florida political watcher Susan MacManus. “And there are a lot of people who run in lower-level elections, including in Florida, where they might have a chance to pick up a few seats. I think it can be helpful in that sense.”

Read it here: Biden drops out of 2024 presidential campaign. What will the impact be for Florida Democrats?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. from Weston, said on social media that she had “complete confidence” in Vice President Kamala Harris and “the American people” that they would defeat former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race.

“I am so proud and grateful for what President Biden has done for our country and our party,” said Schultz, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

US Congressman Jared Moskowitz also supported Harris and praised Biden.

“He is a patriot!” the Parkland Democrat wrote on social media. “And one of the most successful public servants in American history. His record may never be seen again.”

US Senator Rick Scott called on President Joe Biden to resign.

“Let me be clear: if Joe Biden does not run for re-election, he will be unable to serve as president for the next six months and must resign today,” he said in a statement.

“While we welcome the news that one of America’s most destructive presidents will be denied a second term, it does little to change the stakes of this election,” Scott continued. “We cannot allow the American dream to be destroyed and replaced by California socialism.”

John Morgan, the Democratic fundraiser and founder of law firm Morgan & Morgan, spoke strongly upon hearing about President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw and his support for Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Joe Biden’s endorsement of Kamala is his f—- you to everyone who pushed him out,” he wrote on social media. “Be careful what you wish for.”

Steve Schale, a Tallahassee lobbyist and longtime strategist for Democrats, wrote an emotional message praising President Joe Biden.

“I’m proud to have been on this journey since Day 1,” Schale, who worked on former President Barack Obama’s campaign, wrote on social media. “Spend more than a minute with him and you’ll understand how much loyalty he’s earned from those closest to him. He’s one of the best people in public service, period.”

Sen. Shevrin Jones, D-Miami Gardens, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who was called upon by President Joe Biden to take his place in the election.

“She has my full support as the leader needed to seize this moment and defeat Donald Trump,” Jones wrote on social media. He is also the chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party. “The Trump-Vance ticket is determined to take away Americans’ rights, destroy democracy, and do what greedy corporations do to devour working families.”

Congresswoman Anna Eskamani (Democrat from Orlando) released a statement supporting Biden’s move, calling it “courageous.”

“Let’s stay focused and energized for the future. The only way we will win is if we are united in what will undoubtedly be a messy but necessary process,” she wrote on social media.

Ana Goñi-Lessan of USA TODAY NETWORK-Florida contributed to this update.

Evan Power, chairman of the Florida Republican Party, predicted in a statement that President Donald Trump would win.

“In the meantime, Republicans stand united behind President Trump,” he said. “No matter what empty suits they bring forward — we will win. Thank you for your ‘service’ President Biden, we’ll take it from here.”

He also criticized Democrats for “keeping someone in office who is not fit for the job,” citing concerns about Biden’s health.

“Every leader of the Democratic Party, especially Vice President Harris, is complicit in this sham presidency and voters will hold them accountable in November,” Power said.

Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried posted a message on social media thanking the president.

“Joe Biden will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents of our lifetime — the nation is eternally grateful,” she wrote. “Now, the Democratic Party must be more united than ever to defeat Donald Trump.”

Just a few days ago, Fried had expressed his support for Biden in a press conference, saying, “President Biden has delivered what he has done for Florida, and we need to deliver for him.”

But she then added that she trusted he would make “the right decision for our country” on whether to continue running.

Former President Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the White House, may have been the first Floridian to react to the news.

“He is the worst president in the history of our country,” Trump said in a phone call with CNN minutes after the announcement. “He’s going to go down as the worst president in the history of our country.”

Biden soon after endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place.

According to CNN, Trump said he believed she would be easier to defeat.

This reporting content is supported by a partnership with Freedom Forum and Journalism Funding Partners. USA Today Network-Florida First Amendment reporter Douglas Soule can be reached at [email protected].

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