Southern California News Group Comments on Kamala Harris’ Unfortunate Takeover – Whittier Daily News

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, D-Calif., operates the grill during the Polk County Democrats Steak Fry, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Now that President Joe Biden has decided to withdraw from the 2024 presidential campaign and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor, we present commentary from our staff that tells the truth.

There is certainly a common thread: Kamala Harris is a bad politician with bad ideas and an even worse reputation.

Kamala Harris’ Progressive Campaign, Regressive Record by Steven Greenhut

In Orange County, Harris continues to face criticism for refusing to provide oversight while the county was reeling from the snitch scandal. “The efforts of the former Orange County attorney general were far from a profile of courage,” Assistant Public Defender Scott Sanders recently told OC Weekly. “Her unwillingness to stand up to dishonest law enforcement will be her lasting legacy here, and the criminal justice system will pay the price for that for years to come.”

Harris also promoted policies that increased the power of police and prosecutors to jail more people, including an Orwellian anti-truancy campaign that is finally getting the scorn it deserves. The left-leaning Guardian recently reported on a video of Harris at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in 2010, where she lightheartedly boasted about prosecuting the parents of truants and using her “huge stick” as a prosecutor.

If Vice President Kamala Harris Seems Like the Answer, You’re Probably Asking the Wrong Question by Matt Fleming

Harris once said that Tupac was the best rapper alive, decades after his death. She has often professed her love of Venn diagrams, with statements such as, “It’s just something about those three circles, the analysis of where the intersection is, right?” And she has been repeatedly mocked for her overuse of her catchphrase, “What can be, unencumbered by what has been.”

Lest you feel like I’m being nitpicky, consider that she finds herself in these moments regularly, many of which are staged. She comes across as disingenuous, especially when she’s trying to appeal to a younger, more diverse audience.

California’s Eric Garcetti, Kamala Harris and Julie Su all failed until Biden’s administration by Sal Rodriguez

She proved even more adept at rising through the ranks than Garcetti, from San Francisco district attorney to California attorney general, senator and ultimately turning a failed presidential campaign into the vice presidency.

As San Francisco’s district attorney, she was criticized in court for failing to report serious problems at San Francisco’s forensic lab. As California’s attorney general, Harris made her name fighting to free Daniel Larsen, who had been exonerated by the Innocence Project. And then there was her presidential campaign. We know how that went. And yet, somehow — well, we know why — she failed.

Kamala Harris is a truly terrible communicator and a burden to the Biden administration by Matt Fleming

For some reason, Harris’ supporters feel that the criticism of her is unfair and that people would like her if they just got to know her better. But the opposite has proven to be true. The more she appears in public and makes comments, the deeper her unfavorable attitude becomes. While Harris seemed competent at bullying witnesses in Senate hearings, her performances fell apart once she was no longer the one asking questions.

Kamala Harris’ appalling record on justice by editorial board

During her presidential bid, Harris portrayed herself as a “progressive prosecutor” who championed police accountability, but that’s a fanciful reinterpretation of her record. In 13 years as “top cop,” Harris was no reformer but a hard-line prosecutor with deep ties to police unions — and someone who sat on the sidelines of police misconduct cases.

The Problem with Kamala Harris by Douglas Schoen

During her presidential bid, Harris portrayed herself as a “progressive prosecutor” who championed police accountability, but that’s a fanciful reinterpretation of her record. In 13 years as “top cop,” Harris was no reformer but a hard-line prosecutor with deep ties to police unions — and someone who sat on the sidelines of police misconduct cases.

Joe Biden’s Kamala Harris Problem by John Phillips

Harris’s average approval rating on RealClearPolitics currently stands at 38%, with an average of 54% of respondents giving her a negative rating.

According to Reuters reporting, Biden has been frustrated with Harris throughout his term. In fact, a former Biden administration official said Biden’s desire to run may have been tied to the perception that neither Harris nor any other Democrat could beat Donald Trump in a general election.

The frustrations, the former official said, are rooted in Harris’ failure to “consistently rise to the challenge.”

He is right.

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