Should Kansas Democratic Reps Vote for Biden?

President Joe Biden suspended his campaign a month before the Democratic National Convention, where party leaders would have confirmed his nomination as the party’s presidential nominee.

But what does it mean for Kansas’ Democratic delegation on the committee now that Biden’s campaign has been suspended?

How many Democratic representatives does Kansas have?

Kansas will send 39 of the convention’s 3,896 delegates to the convention. Democratic statutes calculate the formula based on the state’s population and percentage of the total Democratic vote.

Should Kansas Representatives Vote for Joe Biden?

Joe Biden won 84% of the vote in Kansas’s Presidential Preference Primary, while the other named candidates won the remaining 5% and about 10% voted for none of the candidates on the ballot. But Democrats are not bound by the results of the election, with the Democrats’ Delegate Selection Plan saying that delegates must vote “in good conscience to reflect the feelings of those who elected them,” rather than direct primary results.

“We look forward to the process of nominating the Democrat who will defeat Donald Trump in November. We remain focused on supporting Kansas Democrats on all ballots,” Kansas Democrats said after Biden left office.

Democrats will be allowed to support some Democrats, but it will be a challenge to defeat Vice President Kamala Harris, who was already on the list of candidates and received Biden’s support.

Democratic Representatives from Kansas

The Kansas Democratic Party selected its final delegation for the DNC convention in August on May 25 in a hybrid in-person and virtual committee meeting.

There are seven delegates representing all of Kansas: four party leaders and elected official delegates. The remaining delegates are selected by region.

“Our members are diverse in age, race, gender, experiences and geography and I couldn’t be more excited about the representation Kansas will have when we re-nominate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and reelect them in November,” KDP Chair Jeanna Repass said after the delegates were selected in May.

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