West Hartford to Host Series of Professional Wrestling Matches – We-Ha

A series of wrestling matches presented by East Hartford-based professional dojo Test of Strength took place in West Hartford on Friday evening.

By Bridget Bronsdon

It’s not every day that professional wrestling matches take place in West Hartford, but on Friday night, Test of Strength, an East Hartford-based professional wrestling dojo, was on hand for an evening of intense matches.

At Warehouse 635 at 635 New Park Avenue, current and aspiring wrestling stars competed in the Rise Up event for a shot at glory. Wearing outrageous costumes, veteran and new athletes competed in pairs and individual matches.

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

The crowd, energetic and lively as ever, cheered as the athletes made spectacular entrances, battled in the ring and finally faced off in a showdown.

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

For several athletes it was their biggest competition to date, including Jaybril Pagan, aka “Young Boy.”

For Pagan, the event was a dream come true. The young athlete had wanted to be a wrestler since he was 6 years old, but didn’t officially start the sport until he was 19.

“My first training for wrestling was actually in 2021, I was fresh out of college. College wasn’t really working out for me, COVID hit, so I didn’t really know what to do. I found out TOS was here and TOS has been my home ever since, so it’s really special to me,” he said.

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

Because Pagan took up the sport later in life, his journey has not always been smooth.

“It was a struggle, I had a lot of mental breakdowns where I was struggling and wanted to quit because I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere but everyone told me I was so I’m my own worst enemy. So it was worth the process and it was definitely a struggle but I’m here now,” he said proudly.

Despite the ups and downs, Pagan has remained dedicated to his training at TOS and has seen the rewards. “When we come in, we learn to say hi to everyone and I was a really shy kid growing up, I still am a little bit but I’m growing out of it, so when I came in it was hard to really want to do that but now it’s so easy and they’ve definitely opened me up.”

Pagan’s dedication has paid off both personally and professionally, officially putting his training to the test for Rise Up.

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

Unlike the newcomers, some athletes are seasoned veterans, such as Sammy Diaz who has been with TOS for seven years.

“It’s a long and brutal journey, long drives to a lot of different places, but the experiences are great because this is something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid, four years old. Sharing the locker room with guys I’ve seen on TV, that’s always been a cool experience,” he said.

Diaz also talked about the wonderful friendships he has made through this experience.

“It’s a good experience, I love everything about it. You get what you put into it,” he said.

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

The evening was a great success for TOS. The wrestlers showed great performances and the audience was impressed by their strength, muscles and endurance.

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

Test of Strength’s Rise Up Wrestling Event. July 19, 2024. Photo credit: Bridget Bronsdon

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