Daily Telegram 100 Years Ago for July 22, 2024

100 Years Ago

July 22, 1924: The matter of fire protection for farms within the Adrian community was brought before the city commission at its meeting yesterday afternoon by representatives of a company manufacturing fire-fighting equipment. The company proposes within a seven-mile radius of the city for the purchase of a larger chemical truck for use in combatting country fires. It would be turned over to the Adrian department, the city assuming its maintenance and operating and in turn receiving the use of it for city alarms. At all times, it would be available for calls within the district outlined. The plan follows closely that proposed to the county Granges and the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company last fall by Chief H. A. Whitney of the Adrian fire department. Ben Sell and F. E. Slusser, representing the Obenchain-Boyer Company of Logansport, Indiana, who appeared before the commission pointed out they had already raised $850 in cash, checks and notes among interested farmers. They said there are 1,418 farms of 10 acres or more within a seven-mile radius of Adrian. With contributions averaging $10 a farm, they estimated a truck of the required size could be purchased and sufficient funds set aside for maintaining it a year and pay the salary of one fireman a year, after which time the city would take over its maintenance. They told of plans of similar community fire protection in Hartford, Owosso, Paw Paw and Charlotte and said that satisfactory results were being obtained. In concluding their talks before the commission, they asked for some expression from the commissioners as to the proposition. It was agreed among the commissioners that the city would accept the maintenance and operation of truck and provide a fireman for its operation provided sufficient funds are raised among the farmers to hire another fireman in addition to buying the apparatus. No formal action was taken on the proposition, however.

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