Phoenix Rising Dog Shelter in Pensacola Closes After 10 Years

PENSACOLA, Fla. — Phoenix Rising Rescue, a Pensacola-based animal rescue service in business for more than a decade, announced Monday that it will close its doors within months.

The woman behind Phoenix Rising Rescue described the impending closure as “sad” and “heartbreaking” in a Facebook post Monday morning.

“There were many factors that played into this decision,” the post read. “In May, our VP and ‘right hand man’ of the rescue stepped down. Then the vet bills went up again. We were already losing a small amount of money with each adoption, but now there is no way to get a dog checked out without charging a ridiculous adoption fee. Since adoptions have dropped to about half of normal over the past year, another fee increase would drive that number down even further. Food costs have also gone up dramatically. But the biggest ‘blow’ came last month when my husband of 25 years decided he wanted a divorce. I never expected that and it really devastated me. I am going to lose my home and have to find a new place to live. I will also have to go back to work to support my new single lifestyle and pay the bills. I have never been paid for running the rescue and there is simply no way for me to continue on my own.”

Phoenix Rising Rescue says it has “some funds to fall back on in the coming months.” This week we’re holding a final raffle for additional funds.

“We still have dogs here and one more coming soon, but that’s it for the foreseeable future,” the post reads. “…I’m so sad that it’s come to this. It’s hard to know my dream is coming to an end. But I’m incredibly grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to serve our community through Phoenix Rising Rescue over the past decade. You’ve all taught me so much about love, kindness, support, and community pride. You’re all amazing in my book.”

You can read the full message here.

For more information, visit the official Phoenix Rising Rescue website here.

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