New drain keeps Mumbai’s main Bandra road from flooding for the first time in years | Mumbai News

MUMBAI: For the first time in many monsoons, it is not rainwater but a hymn of praise for the floods on St Paul’s Road in Bandra. The road was spared this time despite heavy rains, thanks to the construction of a stormwater drain by the BMC that lasted for two years.

This 500-metre long road is one of the main connections to Bandra West from the Bandra-Worli Sea Link.

Dr Russell Pinto, a ground-floor resident of a building on a road that connects to St Paul’s Road, said the stretch had experienced severe flooding in the past. “There were days when we had to download the flood times and be very aware that if there was heavy rain at the same time, the area would be flooded,” he said. He said the municipal authorities had tested certain measures over the years but nothing had provided a permanent solution to the flooding. “What finally helped was when the then additional municipal commissioner visited the site two years ago, made an effort to understand the problem and directed the municipal staff to resolve it.”

Former corporator Asif Zakaria said that after the visit of then additional municipal commissioner P Velrasu, the civic body decided to construct a new stormwater drain under the road, right in the middle, up to the outlet of Chimbai pumping station. The drain drains rainwater smoothly. “For the residents, the area has gone from being flooded to beautiful. They have collaborated with BMC to solve the problem. It is a perfect example of solving problems by working collectively,” he said.

Charles Simoes, a resident and retired civil engineer from IIT-Bombay, said that while the end result has been achieved, there is still a lot of room for improvement. “I was closely involved in the work. I felt that all the specifications were not followed as should have been done by those working on the ground,” he said.

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