The Evolution of Jaguar Uniforms

This was the longest run for any of the Jaguars’ four uniform designs, effectively spanning the franchise’s first 14 seasons.

The uniform: White shirts with blue-green numbers with gold and black borders; blue-green shirts with white numbers with gold and black borders.

The white shirt had black numbers with blue-green and gold outlines from 2004-2008. White shorts with gold, blue-green and black stripes; both the white and blue-green shirts had a “creeping Jaguar” on the sleeves with black and gold edges.

There were some variations in details during this era in number design and shape. The Jaguars introduced black jerseys and black pants in this design in 2002, with the jerseys having white numbers with a teal and gold border. Some versions of the black pants had teal, gold, and black stripes with a Jaguars logo on the hip, while some had no stripes.

Head coaches: Tom Coughlin (2002), Jack Del Rio (2003-2007).

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