PHANT-ASY FOOTBALL: Hurdsfield Phoenix Phantoms seek new players from Macclesfield | Local Sport | News | Macclesfield Nub News

Did your little one get inspired by the European Championship?

Do they want to play football for a whole school year?

An amateur football team from Macclesfield is looking for new players for the upcoming season.

Hurdsfield Phoenix Phantoms Under 11s, part of the Hurdsfield Phoenix FC umbrella organisation, have contacted Macclesfield Nub News to call up new players.

“We are moving to a bigger format next season, which is 9-a-side,” explains Rob Woods, father and Macclesfield resident of Hurdsfield Phoenix FC.

“So we are looking for new players so that we have a large enough selection for the coming season.”

The Phantoms are just one of the Hurdsfield Phoenix teams that have been around since their infancy.

Phantoms players fall into the Under 11 category.

“The Phantoms are part of the grassroots club Hurdsfield Phoenix,” Rob added.

“Each team has a different name at the end, hence why we are called Hurdsfield Phoenix Phantoms.

If you know a young person who could participate, their contact details can be found above this image.

“We play in the Mid-Cheshire Youth Football League on Saturdays, although we are currently in an end-of-season break.

“When we start again, the format of the matches will change from seven-a-side to nine-a-side.

“At the moment we only have nine players signed for the team. Hopefully we can increase this to ten if the newest player decides to sign with us.

“Ideally we need around 12-13 players for the season so that we have substitutions and can still field a team if players are unavailable for matches due to holidays and other commitments.”

Hurdsfield Phoenix are generally one of the smaller amateur clubs in Macclesfield but are hoping to strengthen with more players for the 2024-25 season.

Last year the club celebrated its 5th anniversary.

“What we lack in resources, we make up for in team spirit and inclusivity, which is why my son originally joined the team,” recalls volunteer coach Rob.

“To keep the club running and financed, we depend on the generosity of sponsors, parents and volunteers.

“We train on Thursdays at Hurdsfield Primary School (on Hulley Road).

“Thank you to the community for their continued support.”

Do you know a young person who could participate? Send an email to (email protected).

The club trains every Thursday at Hurdsfield Primary School.

Click HERE for more information about the club on Facebook.

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