Animal Waste Technology Grant Awarded to South Mountain Creamery

Agriculture Department says money will improve Frederick Farm’s manure management system

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Department of Agriculture has awarded an amount of $505,744 Grant for animal waste technology Unpleasant South Bergse Dairy Factory in County of Frederick. This grant will improve the farm’s manure management system for its 500 dairy cows. The award is part of the state’s ongoing commitment to managing animal manure, protecting natural resources and pursuing clean, renewable energy sources.

“This project received a unanimous recommendation from the members of the Animal Waste Technical Evaluation Committee and the Animal Waste Advisory Committee,” said Kevin Atticks, Maryland Secretary of Agriculture“Supporting innovative technologies that help farmers manage manure in new and sustainable ways is a top priority for the Moore-Miller Administration.”

South Mountain Creamery will use the grant funds to install two projects. The first project will equip the farm’s liquid manure lagoon with a protective cover and flare system. This will capture and safely burn greenhouse gas emissions. The second project involves installing an advanced manure separation system to prevent solids and sand from entering the lagoon. These particulates will be collected, treated and packaged for off-farm sale. This will generate additional revenue for the farm while addressing nutrient management concerns. In addition to the Animal Waste Technology Grant, South Mountain Creamery will receive a match of approximately $200,000 from the Fund for Innovation in Conservation and $350,000 of Nutrient control systems for additional treatment of the separated solids.

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