Basque Center opens annual San Inazio Festival in downtown Boise

Once again this year, the Basque Centre is putting the art and talent of its culture in the spotlight during the festival: dancers aged four to fourteen will be showing off their talents, as well as accordionists and other musicians, to name just a few.

One of the dance group’s directors, Jaclyn Lasuen, says the three-day event offers something for everyone to celebrate Boise’s Basque culture.

“We are very proud people. We focus mainly on the community, but that has to do with work and that also means celebrating together,” Lasuen said.

Athletes from the Basque Country, a region that straddles the border between Spain and France, will make a special appearance on the traditional ball courts in the block, according to the center’s festival program.

“If you like music, there are musicians playing all weekend. If you like sports, there is that. If you like food, that’s obviously one of our three favorite things that we like to do, is eat,” Lasuen said.

The festival lasts until Sunday evening.

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