45 American doctors and nurses urge White House to take action on Gaza in open letter

45 American medical professionals have signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden urging the administration to take action to end the conflict in Gaza and save lives.

In the letter – which has gone viral online and has been viewed more than 1 million times on X – the doctors and nurses wrote: “None of us support the atrocities committed on October 7 by Palestinian armed groups and individuals in Israel.”

In the letter, the signatories say: “The Constitution of the World Health Organization states: ‘The health of all peoples is fundamental to the achievement of peace and security and depends on the full cooperation of individuals and States.’ It is in this spirit that we write to you.”

The medical professionals who signed the open letter are a group with a wide background, some of whom even treated victims in Ukraine during the Russian invasion.

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Dr. Ahmad Yousef, 38, spoke to Scripps News from his home in Little Rock, Arkansas, after returning from Gaza. He became emotional as he spoke of the horrors he witnessed treating patients with limited anesthesia and antibiotics.

According to Dr Yousef, while the images we see online and on TV are horrific, they do not reflect the full scale of the bloody war we see on the ground.

He said the “bombing of large civic centers” must end and health workers must be given “free access to the places where patients suffer most.”

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He said leaders must “provide civilians with access to medical supplies, clean water and food,” as that access, he said, is limited.

“The people I met there were full of humanity,” Dr. Yousef said. “They deserve human dignity, they deserve safety, they deserve to not feel like they are a target at any time.”

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