Religious Quotes and News – July 28, 2024

Beyond growth

In his address to the UN Human Rights Council, Bishop Ettore Balestrero, Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer to the United Nations, spoke of an economy that goes beyond growth:

“It is essential that the economy not be oriented solely toward growth. In 1967, Pope Paul VI noted that ‘development… cannot be limited to economic growth. To be authentic, it must… promote the development of each man and the whole man.’ This integral vision of growth embraces the right to life… and (what) is needed for the proper development of life, including food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, rest and social services. How much more needs to be done to make this a reality.”

Eucharist and mission

The Catholic Church in the United States held a National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Guest speaker, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, gave a homily on the Eucharist and mission. He said, “Mission is not just about work, it is also about the gift of oneself” and that “Jesus fulfills his mission by giving himself, his flesh, his presence to others as the Father wills. The presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is a gift and the fulfillment of his mission.”

Peace and compassion

In his Angelus address on July 21, Pope Francis said:

“From the Gospel we learn that these two realities – rest and compassion – are linked: only if we learn how to rest can we have compassion. Indeed, it is only possible to have a compassionate gaze, which knows how to respond to the needs of others, if our heart is not consumed by the fear of doing, if we know how to stop and how to receive God’s grace, in the silence of adoration. We can ask ourselves: Am I able to stop during my days?”

(Compiled by Father Joe Borg)

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