Owl and parakeet friends interact in adorable video and it’s cuteness overdose

Sometimes I come across videos of unlikely animal friendships that surprise me, and this one that Natalya Shapkina posted on TikTok on Sunday, July 21st, is one of them! Natalya has two pet birds: one is a parakeet and the other is an owl. Owls are the largest predators in the food chain, so it was heartwarming to see one interact so sweetly with a little parakeet.

The video starts off by showing the parakeet and the owl sitting together on a birdcage. At first, they just look at each other. But soon, the parakeet starts to ‘talk’ to the owl and the two start to interact. What surprised me most about the video is how sweet the owl is to the parakeet. Make sure your sound is on, because the parakeet sings beautifully!

This made me so happy! The owl is so sweet to the little bird, and the way he slowly closes his eyes makes me think he loves his little friend. They look like they are kissing! Most of the almost 200 comments were in Russian, but a few were in English. The comments I could read said how cute the couple is. I bet most of the other comments said something similar!

Related: Owl’s Funny ‘Dance’ While Playing With iPad Has People Obsessed

Why do birds rub their beaks together?

I mentioned that when the birds rubbed their beaks together, it looked like they were kissing. I decided to do some research to see if that was what they were doing, and it turns out that there is such a thing as ‘bird kissing’! Chipper Birds explains more about this social bonding, “Bird pillow refers to a behavior observed in certain bird species in which two birds briefly rub their beaks together or briefly touch each other. It is a form of social interaction and communication often seen in pairs of birds, especially in species that engage in courtship or have developed strong social bonds.” That is exactly what the owl and the beautiful parakeet did. They must be best friends!

When birds kiss, the two birds touch their beaks together, as they did in the video, usually in a gentle and synchronized manner. The kiss usually lasts only a few seconds and “occurs during courtship displays, pair bonding, or as a form of social interaction between individuals within a flock or group.” Chipper Birds added that it is also a form of communication, “conveying messages such as reassurance, submission, or establishing territorial boundaries within a group.”

There are other forms of bird kissing as well. Birds give each other wing-to-wing kisses and also head-to-head kisses. They also show affection by grooming each other and sharing food. After watching other videos that Natalya has posted, it is clear that her two birds love each other, even though they are an unlikely pair!

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