Justice for Sonya Massey – Communist Party USA

Justice for Sonya Massey

The Communist Party USA stands in solidarity with the family of Sonya Massey, who was brutally murdered by a Springfield, IL police officer after she called 911 worried about an intruder. She was slaughtered in her own home on July 6.

Unlike many other cases of racist police brutality, in this case the officer who committed the crime was indeed charged with murder. However, this would not have happened without the mass uprising of 2020 in response to the brutal murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. It is capitalist society, rooted in exploitation and oppression, that perpetuates this violence.

The working class is fed up with the criminal behavior and lawlessness of the police occupying their neighborhoods. The year 2024 is on track to be one of the deadliest years for police victims in U.S. history. Massey’s murder also adds to the deadly trend of police brutality and murder of black women and black people with disabilities.

The CPUSA is seeking justice for the family of Sonya Massey and demanding that Officer Sean Grayson be prosecuted to the fullest extent of his legal rights for the brutal murder in Massey’s home.

We are fighting for a future where Black people are safe and secure in this country and we demand concrete steps to achieve that goal. One of those steps is the immediate passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which has been blocked by racist and reactionary forces in Congress.

We also call on all caucuses and districts to advance the fight against racism, demand the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, and organize vigils and street actions to demand justice for Sonya Massey and all victims of police crimes. We believe that if the community had a direct say in police policy, oversight, budgets, and hiring/firing authority, the police would be held accountable. We reaffirm our demand for community control of police departments in all jurisdictions across the country.

Images: Family of Sonya Massey meets with police via NAACP (Creative Commons); Sonya & Daughter by Paul Bence (CC BY-NC 2.0).


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