Coding Camp offers high school students unique learning opportunities

Montgomery Can Code, a free summer camp that teaches high school students how to code, has entered the final week of its programs this year. Now in its sixth year, the coding camp hosted three weeklong coding bootcamps that attracted 820 MCPS students.

The program is a “unique and innovative public-private partnership” formed by Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC), according to a press release. Apple also partnered with the camp, along with several other local businesses.

“MCEDC is proud to partner with Apple and other county entities on Montgomery Can Code, as we have done since its inception. It is such an important program that helps prepare our next generation and grows the talent pipeline in our county,” said MCEDC President and CEO Bill Tompkins. “The local labor market is seeing a growing demand for highly skilled workers in industries such as cybersecurity, app development, gaming, life sciences and hospitality technology. This unique program provides access to the tools and industry skills that will be in high demand and in widespread use for years to come.”

Students receive instruction and hands-on experience with Swift, Apple’s open-source, user-friendly programming language, as part of the weeklong sessions. The program also emphasizes tackling real-world problems and developing problem-solving skills.

Each bootcamp culminates in a Student App Showcase event, which takes place after the camps conclude. Students pitch their app solutions to local business leaders, showcasing their skills and growth.

“The continued growth of Montgomery Can Code summer camps is a testament to the collaboration between Montgomery County, MCPS, the private sector, and the college as we seek to forge our community’s path with expert training in a thriving IT field,” said Dr. Jermaine F. Williams, president of Montgomery College. “Coding camps for high school students are critical to inspiring the next generation of innovators. These camps not only teach valuable technical skills, but also foster the creativity and problem-solving skills that are essential in our rapidly changing world.”

Photos courtesy of Montgomery Can Code, 2019

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