Montgomery County food inspection found live roaches in restaurant kitchen

Here are the violations reported in food safety inspection reports from Montgomery County conducted the week of July 20-26, 2024.

Each week, we highlight the inspection reports for retail food and drink establishments under the jurisdiction of the Montgomery County Office of Public Health. All establishments are inspected once per year, and inspectors may return several more times if the initial inspection is not passed or complaints are received. (For more information on how food safety inspections are conducted in Pennsylvania, view a list of FAQs.)

As noted by the MCOPH, the reports are merely a “snapshot” in time, and “may not be representative of the overall, long-term cleanliness of an establishment.” Many of the violations are corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the establishment.

You can view the complete inspection reports for any establishment in the county’s food safety inspection database. To report an illness after eating or drinking at an establishment, use the MCOPH’s complaint form. (Please don’t contact us: we do not inspect restaurants.)



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Proper date marking lacking on prepared food items in secondary containers and/or packaging. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Digital thermometer on one door reach in refrig on cooks line defective with no easily visible thermometer on interior.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Bucket of soap water observed in food prep sink basin.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Absorbent paper towel draped over cooked scrapple in cooks line hot box.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice cream scoops stored in dipping well that was not running at time of inspection.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice tea dispenser at bar area lacking fully covered lid.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Fan guard in meat walk in refrig unclean.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ceiling tiles missing above ice machines in rear area.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Several ceramic wall tiles directly above grills damaged or missing.
    Inspection Date: 11-08-2023



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 13 – food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Muffins with mold on display for customer self-service at counter. Facility voluntarily discarded at time of inspection.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Lettuce stored in bain marie at cook’s line with wet paper towel over it. Facility voluntarily discarded at time of inspection.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Prescription medications observed stored next to paper bags and above bain marie. Facility voluntarily relocated at time of inspection.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Tongs stored on oven handle on cook’s line. Facility relocated at time of inspection.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Seal to wall lacking on 3 basin sink, basement hand sink, and women’s restroom hand sink.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust observed on walls/roof of walk-in refrigerator.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Cove base missing in men’s restroom behind toilet.
    Inspection Date: 06-09-2023



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 10 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Splash guard of ice machine unclean. Clean and sanitize according to owner’s manual.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Torn door gasket observed on 2 door fridge in kitchen.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Cracked interior on chest freezer lid and damaged gasket.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Leak at piping for waiter area above in basement.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility observed posting expired MCOPH Food Establishment License. Facility license is current. Locate and post original publicly or post 2024-dated license upon payment and receipt.
    13 – food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Expired quart of half and half observed in bar refrig. Product discarded.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Interior of ice scoop holder unclean.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Visible light gap observed at bottom of side hallway door.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Handles and food contact surfaces of some food scoops and spatulas observed excessively worn, chipped or burned. Replace all worn utensils.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Plastic fish tubs used as secondary food storage containers observed excessively worn. Replace all worn containers with chipping, stains or warped surfaces.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Door frame and gasket damaged at walk-in freezer. Repair.
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility observed with non food grade garden style hose and nozzle installed at 3 compartment ware wash sink. Replace with food grade equipment.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: MCOPH Food Establishment License not posted conspicuously for the public. Apply for duplicate license if necessary.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: MCOPH Certified Food Sanitation Manager Certificate not posted at time of inspection.
    5 – procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
  • Comments: Facility lacking a written policy / procedure addressing the clean-up of a vomit or diarrheal event. EHS supplied a sample policy.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed at time of inspection.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand washing sign lacking at hand sink in rear kitchen
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Can opener blade unclean
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Cutting board with deep grooves and heavy discoloration. Facility voluntarily discard small cutting board.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Splash guard of ice machine unclean. Clean and sanitize according to owner’s manual.
    24 – time as a public health control; procedures & record
  • Comments: Lacking time log for TCS foods held with out temperature control. Log must include food item, time removed from temperature control, and time food must be discarded. Foods removed from cold holding may be held for six hours if the temperature is monitored and never exceeds 70F. Foods removed from cooking or hot holding may be held for four hours.
    25 – consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked foods
  • Comments: Menu has consumer advisory but lacks the reminder to identify applicable menu items. Reminder may include placing
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor inside walk in cooler
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knife stored in space between 2 prep units.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Bowl/cup used as scoop stored obtain dry goods/food items.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Tongs stored on oven door handle along cooks line.
    45 – single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service pizza boxes stored in dining room and accessible to public.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Rust build-up on shelves in walk-in cooler.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on wall above Bain Marie
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: exposed sheetrock in dining room area. Surfaces do not meet MCHD Code. All surfaces must be smooth, continuous, nonporous and easily cleanable



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course within 5 business days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Slight drip leak at faucet of prep area hand sink.
    22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: 3 door under counter refrigerator in service area not holding temperature of 41F or lower. Ambient observed at 55F and foods inside at 53F. All TCS foods were discarded and a list was provided to EHS of type and quantity. Facility voluntarily placed unit out of service. Unit is to remain out of service until repairs have been made and 1.) a work order which includes new approved holding temperature has been emailed to EHS contact provided, and 2.) Permission has been granted by MCOPH to place unit back into service. Failure to comply may result in legal action.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Box of fly strips and pesticide observed stored in facility. Facility voluntarily discarded at time of inspection.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Roach like insect observed in back room/storage area. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize area. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH with in ten business days. Email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food stored on floor of walk-in freezer.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Damp mop observed sitting on top of soda in boxes with damp mop head touching boxes. Facility relocated during inspection, no water damage to box visible.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Fly strip hanging from clean wares shelving in contact with clean lids. Facility moved lids to 3 basin for rewashing and sanitizing and disposed of fly strip.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Open uncooked rice stored in back area not approved for open product storage. Facility voluntarily relocated.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Scoops and tongs stored in containers in refrigeration with handles touching product. Facility donned gloves and removed handles from product.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: employee drinks stored near food related items bar area
    37 – food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: Common name label lacking on oil spray at cooks line.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: personal item (backpack) stored near food related items bar area
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: In-use utensils stored in stagnant water in between uses.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: aluminum foil lining on trays for oven on cooksline equipment
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: filters above cooksline equipment unclean(on schedule to be cleaned)
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: dust build up on ceiling vents (intakes) by ice machine(on schedule to be cleaned)
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: stained ceiling tiles dining area(on order to be replaced)



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: (5x Repeat) Opened employee beverages stored on and above food prep surfaces as well as on storage shelving in kitchen. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    9 – no bare hand contact with rte food or a pre-approved alternative procedure properly allowed
  • Comments: Employee observed touching tray cooked ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Facility voluntarily discarded item during inspection.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Uncovered foods observed in various refrigeration units. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Raw food stored over ready to eat food items in walk in refrigerator. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Interior of ice machine observed unclean. Clean and sanitize in accordance with owner’s manual.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Accumulation observed inside nozzle of Coke bag-in-box dispenser. Facility cleaned and sanitized item during inspection.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: (7x Repeat) Proper date marking lacking on prepared food items in secondary containers and/or packaging. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS e-mailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Chemical spray bottles stored adjacent to straws and single-use utensils at front bar area.
    35 – approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Facility observed thawing frozen chicken at ambient temperature. Internal temperature observed at 31F at time of inspection. Item relocated to food prep sink under cool running water to continue thawing. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: (5x Repeat) Dead cockroaches observed in cabinet at cook’s line. Facility must clean and sanitize all affected areas. Facility must be treated by a professional pest control operator within 10 business days. E-mail completed work order to MCOPH at e-mail address provided. Work order must indicate target pest treated for. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Umbrella stored in basin of food prep sink.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Containers of food stored in floor in walk-in refrigerator and walk-in freezer. Elevate to a minimum of 6 inches from floor. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: (5x Repeat) Facility thawing foods on drainboard of three basin sink. If using sink during preparation of food, facility must utilize designated food preparation sink near back door. Clean and sanitize drainboard prior to next use. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Evidence of vegetable washing observed at third basin of three basin sink. Only designated food preparation sink may be used for food preparation.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Food handler lacking hair restraint. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Tongs stored on gas line at cook’s line. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Quart container lacking handle stored in ice bucket for use as a scoop.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Walk-in freezer door frame damaged and not providing a tight-fitting seal. Repair.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Facility observed with many open original metal cans stored throughout facility. Facility must use contents of metal cans entirely upon opening can, or transfer remainder of product to food-grade container. Metal food cans can not be reused.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Facility observed lining shelving with absorbent cloth.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Interior of large prep refrigerator unclean. Clean and sanitize.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Employee cigarettes stored on shelf above cook’s line expo area.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Pickles at drive through lacking cover. Facility found covers during inspection.
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Dumpster lids open at time of inspection. Facility closed during inspection.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverages stored on food prep surfaces and in hand sink.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: (2XR)Beverage bottle in expo area hand sink. Soiled food lid in ware washing rook hand sink. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: (3XR)No paper towels provided at any hand sink in facility. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: No cold water at expo area hand sink.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: No soap at hand sink by 2 bay food prep sink.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: (3XR)Raw shell eggs stored above ready to eat foods in 2 door tall refrigerator. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    21 – proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: Foods in hot holding unit at cook’s line recorded below 135F internal temperature. Facility reheated to 165F.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS emailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Chemical spray bottle stored amongst single use items.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: (2XR)Cornstarch stored on floor in expo area. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored inside ice machine.
    45 – single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: (3XR)Single use items stored on floor throughout facility and in storage closet. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Floor of dry storage room lined with cardboard.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Left side small cook’s line prep refrigerator observed with condensation buildup in bottom of unit and leaking onto floor. Unit still operating at proper temperature.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Door to ice machine not installed.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Hand washing sink in food prep area needs caulking and repair of splash guard.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Floors, walls, exterior of equipment, and surfaces in kitchen, food prep area, dry storage area, and dish washing area have debris and food accumulation. General cleaning needed.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Pipe under right end basin of 3 bay sink observed leaking.
    53 – toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Lacking covered trash can in restroom.
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Ground around waste oil drums observed with oil accumulation and vegetation debris accumulation from surrounding foliage.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Dry storage room cannot be cleaned or mopped due to access items both personal and related to facility operations.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Tape materials observed along ceiling in ware washing room.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Hole in ceiling in ware washing room by conduit line.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Grease hood unit above cook’s line observed with grease dripping down.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Large vent on wall in hallway to dish washing area has dust and debris accumulation.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Inoperable ceiling light above 2 bay prep sink and hand sink by cook’s line.


447 E High ST Pottstown, PA 19464

Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed at time of inspection.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Lacking single service towels for hand sink.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Opened bag of rice stored by hand sink
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Opened ice cream container stored in chest freezer
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Deli slicer observed with food debris
    17 – proper disposition of returned, previously served, reconditioned, & unsafe food
  • Comments: Dented cans not stored in designated area for return. Facility voluntarily removed from shelf
    21 – proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: Rice in hot holding unit observed with an internal temperature less than 135F. Facility voluntarily disposed. Empenadas in Hot holding observed below 135. Facility rapidly reheated.
    22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: Foods with internal temperature of 50F in food prep refrig. Facility voluntarily discarded all TCS foods. Facility must provide MCOPH with a list of all food items disacrded with quantities. Facility must immediately stop using the unit. Facility may not use the unit until serviced by licensed professional, AND unit is operating at 41F or below, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply or await permission before using unit may lead to legal action. Fax or email service report showing corrected operating temperature to the contact provided by your EHS.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Foods observed in deli case without proper date marking. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Chemical spray bottle stored amongst food and/or food contact items.
    33 – proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
  • Comments: Facility may not use Bain Marie refrigerator until unit is holding 41degrees or below. Send work order to contact provided by EHS.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rear security door lacks insect screen. Facility closed exterior door.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Fly-like insects observed throughout facility. Facility has 10 business days to provide proof of next professional pest control treatment to MCOPH
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Opened containers/packaging of food items stored by water heater in unapproved area
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: In-use utensils stored in stagnant water in between uses.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Scoop for dry goods stored with handle touching food.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Cardboard/foil lining shelves
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Foil used to cover walls behind fryers
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Torn door gasket observed on Walk in Cooler
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Test strips to verify proper concentration of chemical sanitizer expired 2/2022
    53 – toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Restroom door lacking self closing mechanism
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Grease disposal container lids open at time of inspection
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Facility had leak in roof in rear dry storage area of store. Facility is currently having exterior roof replaced. Damaged floors walls and ceilings observed in rear dry storage areas. Facility only stores commercially sealed non TCS beverages in this area. Facility has 10 business days to submit plan review for repairing floors walls and ceilings in rear storage area. Failure to comply may lead to legal action.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Insufficient lighting in walk in refrigerator.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Dead insect observed on lid at stream table. Lid washed rinsed and sanitized.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Fried won ton chips observed on use cardboard lids. Items removed to approved surface.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Pot filled with cooked rice observed nestled inside rice cooker with bottom of pot touching rice in cooker.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Dish scrubber stored in food prep sink basin.
    44 – utensils, equipment & linens; properly stored, dried, & handled
  • Comments: Clean cutting boards air drying behind faucet of ware wash sink .
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Shipping plastic not removed from exterior of BBQ smoker.
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Lid to grease dumpster left open at time of inspection



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: facility has until 11/22/24 to obtain MCOPH CFSM certificate. EHS left reciprocity application
    6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverage stored on food prep surface.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw shelled eggs stored over ready to eat food items and beef
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Fly-like insects observed in facility. Facility has 10 business days to provide proof of next professional pest control treatment to MCOPH
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: personal items food and cell phones stored near food related items
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: boxes of paper goods stored on floor basement dry storage area(delivery)
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: filters above cookline equipment unclean(on schedule to be cleaned)



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: MCOPH Food Establishment License not posted conspicuously for the public.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: MCOPH Certified Food Sanitation Manager Certificate not posted at time of inspection.
    50 – hot & cold water available; adequate pressure
  • Comments: Hot water unavailable to hand sink at start of inspection. Facility able to restore hot water by end of inspection.



Last Inspection Date: 07-25-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH). Facility granted 6 months to attain. Failure to comply by the given deadline could lead to legal action. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.
    5 – procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
  • Comments: Facility lacking a written policy / procedure addressing the clean-up of a vomit or diarrheal event. EHS supplied a sample policy.
    24 – time as a public health control; procedures & record
  • Comments: Facility lacking time logs for food items on display or outside of refrigeration (pizza)
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several bain marie units.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Plastic shipping wrap peeling from 1 door freezer in kitchen.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Cutting board at bain marie observed with deep grooves and discoloration.
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility lacking test strips to verify proper concentration of chemical sanitizer on hand.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Fan guards in beverage walk-in cooler are unclean.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Facility lacking prep sink. Facility has 6 months to install proper prep sink or submit request waiver.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Raw wood shelf observed above mixer in back kitchen area. All wood must be properly sealed.


416 W MAIN ST TRAPPE, PA 19426

Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS emailed copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule at time of inspection.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand washing sign lacking at hand sinks in mens and womens restrooms.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Food debris observed in hand sink in main kitchen. Hand sinks are to be used for handwashing only.
    14 – required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Improper date marking for shellstock tags after product has been consumed/sold.
    14 – required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Facility not keeping shellstock tags with current batch.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: (2x repeat)- Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in walk in cooler and basement storage area. Must be stored at least 6 inches off the ground. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Bowl/cup used as scoop for food items in bain marie top. All scoops must have a handle and be stored so that handle does not touch food product.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Multiple chest freezer lids in disrepair in basement storage area. Repair.
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Test strips lacking for chlorine dish machine and quat tablets.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Three basin sink not fully sealed to wall. Reseal/caulk sink to wall.



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Both front counter Hand sinks obstructed at time of inspection.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.
    35 – approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Facility thawing frozen food items in standing water. Thaw submerged under running water with sufficient water velocity to remove loose particles and for a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of READY-TO-EAT FOOD to rise above 41F.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food stored in colanders in walk-in cooler.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: uncovered foods in the front counter 2 door reach in
    45 – single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service containers stored with food contact surface exposed
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: torn door gasket on the 3 door prep unit
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: back area white reach in freezers shelves are unclean
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: damaged top section of the large backroom chest freezer



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public.
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking a probe thermometer.
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometer in chest freezer units.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on the walk in cooler floor.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: dust accumulating on the backroom ceiling tiles
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: dust accumulating on the backroom ceiling vent
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility lacking test strips to verify proper concentration of chemical sanitizer on hand.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: ceiling tiles missing in the public restroom, hallway and the kitchens backroom



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: MCOPH Food Establishment License posted is last years license. Post most current license
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: inside walls of the ice machine need to be cleaned and sanitized
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several freezer units.
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: excessive frost starting to accumulate in numerous chest freezers
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: ice shaver drain pan draining into a bucket. all drains must be connected to an approved drain line



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS physically supplied and emailed one.
    1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Expired food license posted. Locate current license and post or request a duplicate from MCOPH.
    19 – proper reheating procedures for hot holding
  • Comments: Facility placing food directly from refrigeration onto hot wells without first reheating. Food placed on stove for rapid reheating before being returned to hot wells.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rodent like droppings observed in backs storage area and basement. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize area. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH with in ten business days. Email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Personal items and drinks stored among food and on/above food prep surfaces throughout facility.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handlers lacking beard and hair restraints. Donned during inspection.
    44 – utensils, equipment & linens; properly stored, dried, & handled
  • Comments: Some equipment and single service goods stored in unfinished area of basement including reach down freezer. Items must be moved to approved areas by follow-up date for basement ceiling repairs.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Front hand sink with degraded seal to wall. Ensure smooth, non-porous, and easily cleanable seal to wall.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Hood observed with dripping oil residue.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust accumulation on piping above front door of walk-in refrig and on front shelving in walk-in refrig.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Caulk at 3 basin sink observed with mold-like build up.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ceiling tile previously installed in basement area now not installed in basement leaving area ceiling surface unfinished. Facility must either re-install smooth, non-porous, easily cleanable approved ceiling surface in storage area or move all items into approved area. Follow-up will occur in 2 weeks to ensure compliance.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Cove base missing adjacent to mop sink, under prep table.


539 W 5TH ST LANSDALE, PA 19446

Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 10 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Butcher meat saw observed with dried on debris on blade and surrounding parts. Clean and sanitize immediately.
    35 – approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Raw meats thawing in basin of food sink in rear butcher area at room temperature. Product still block frozen to touch and placed into cold holding for remained of thawing.
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units.
    37 – food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: Throughout facility ehs observed numerous frozen items both packaged, loosely packaged or lacking any packaging intermingled in retail chest freezers. Some items marked “not for individual resale” All items that are not for retail sale must be removed from units. If items are for sale then items must be properly labeled and packaged.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Bucket of stagnate water and mop stored in right side basin of 3 Bay food sink while frozen chicken was observed thawing in left basin of same sink.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Several chest freezers in retail area had numerous items stored on top of units making it difficult to inspect inside units. All cold holding units must be easily accessible.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Areas throughout kitchen and ware wash area in kitchen lacking adequate lightly. Most retail areas also very dimly lit.



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: facility lacking a MCOPH CFSM certificate. facility has a current servsafe certificate. facility has 10 business days to submit reciprocity application
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: restroom hand wash sink lacking paper towels
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Food uncovered throughout refrigeration units
    22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: a few raw shelled eggs at 83 degrees(vol. discarded)
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: front doors propped open
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Fly-like insects observed in facility. Facility has 10 business days to provide proof of next professional pest control treatment to MCOPH
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: improper scoops for dry food items
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: filters above cooksline equipment unclean
    53 – toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: restroom door propped open at start of inspection
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: stained ceiling tiles dining area



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: TCS foods in bar 2 door refrigerator at bar and 1 door reach-in refrigerator at waitstaff line observed with internal temperatures of 45-47F. Facility temporarily relocated items to another unit during inspection.
    33 – proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
  • Comments: 2 door refrigerator at bar observed holding ambient temperature of 46F at start of inspection. Facility reduced temperature during inspection. Unit observed with ambient temperature below 41F by end of inspection.
    33 – proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
  • Comments: 1 door reach-in refrigerator at waitstaff line observed with ambient operating temperature of 51F during inspection. Facility must cease use of unit for the storage of TCS items. Facility may not return unit to service until unit is functioning with an ambient operating temperature of 41F or below, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH to return unit to service.
    35 – approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Reduced-oxygen packaged tuna filets bearing label stating “remove from package prior to thawing” observed thawed and stored in walk-in refrigerator without having been removed from package prior to thawing. Facility voluntarily discarded these items during inspection.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Basement receiving door observed with holes and gaps to exterior. Repair or replace.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler observed donning bracelets at time of inspection.
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Linen exchange receptacle at back door observed not covered to be pest resistant.


340 Upland Square DR Stowe, PA 19464

Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • Comments: Follow-up conducted to ensure proper repair of 3 basin sink. At time of inspection the ware washing drain was properly unclogged. Facility granted permission to re-open. EHS accompanied by Awuyah

Date of previous inspection: 07-23-2024

  • Comments: EHS arrived for routine inspection. At time of inspection 3 basin sink was observed overflowing onto floor. EHS did not conduct routine inspection. Facility voluntarily closed due to inoperable ware wash sink. Facility may not re-open until ware wash sink is properly repair, follow-up inspection is conducted, and written permission is granted by MCOPH.
  • 51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: 3 basin sink drain observed overflowing onto floor while in use. Facility voluntarily closed due to inoperable ware washing sink.



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Raw wood shelves need to be sealed or painted



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility observed cutting bread in coffee area lacking hand washing sink with running water. All bread is to be cut in kitchen until hand sink with running water is installed in this area.
    6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverage stored with to go containers in dining area and on refrigerator in espresso area.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink has been in stalled in espresso machine area but plumbing has not been completed and no water supply observed at sink. Facility was granted until 7/22/24 to install fully operational sink. Facility granted until re-inspection to comply. Failure to comply may lead to legal action.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Several food items lacking coverings in refrigeration and freezer units throughout facility and in walk-in refrigerator.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Cheese and oil in dining area lacking coverings.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw egg wash stored on top of cheese in cook’s line prep unit in top bain marie.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw ground beef and raw shell eggs over produce and ready to eat foods in walk-in refrigerator.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine concentration observed at less than 50ppm in dish machine. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse of 50-100ppm chlorine, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Send report to the email provided. Failure to comply or await permission before using unit may lead to legal action.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Interior of ice machine observed with mold-like growth.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: (2XR)All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS emailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Employee prescription and over the counter medications stored on dry storage shelving in kitchen.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Spray bottles of cleaner in dining room and kitchen lacking labeling.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Home use pesticide spray found in kitchen by 3 bay sink. All pesticides are to be applied by a licensed pest control operator.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Jug of bleach stored on prep table next to in-use cutting board in kitchen.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Employee lip scrub stored on prep table.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored in ice machine.
    44 – utensils, equipment & linens; properly stored, dried, & handled
  • Comments: Facility storing mop and mop bucket outside of facility in back.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Shipping film on exterior of espresso machine in coffee area.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Raw wood shelving supports in coffee area needs to be sealed to smooth, non-porous, easily cleanable surface.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Raw wood at hand sink in coffee area needs to be sealed to smooth, non-porous, easily cleanable surface.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Soiled cardboard material wedged into oven door at cook’s line.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Espresso machine in coffee area lacking plumbing with machine draining into a bucket. Facility was granted until 7/22/24 to install proper plumbing with air gap drain. Facility granted until re-inspection to comply. Failure to comply may lead to legal action.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: No cold water supply at mop sink.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Pipe under food prep sink observed leaking.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: (2XR)Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry. Stored in mop bucket. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Employee personal bag stored on oil jug in kitchen.



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • 2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: MCOPH CFSM certificate not posted at facility
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Lacking single service towels for hand sink.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: dish machine not sanitizing. facility may not use until repaired. EHS explained proper set up of 3 bay ware wash sinks. send all repair reports to EHS
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: blocked food prep sink
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: -frost build up walk in freezer
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: walk in freezer door does not close properly -torn door gasket (on order for repair)
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: cloth lining on kitchen shelves(must remove)
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: filters above cooksline equipment unclean
    52 – sewage & waste water properly disposed
  • Comments: blocked mop sink
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: cove base damaged front counter area and by dish machine
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: one ceiling tiles does not meet MCOPH food code in wait staff area



Last Inspection Date: 07-24-2024

  • Comments: Follow-up inspection conducted upon facility notifying MCOPH requesting inspection for the purpose of reopening. EHS observed no active sewage back-up at time of inspection. Floors and affected surfaces observed having been cleaned and sanitized. Facility provided pest control work order dated 07/24/24 to EHS indicating that roaches were treated for. No live roaches observed during inspection. Facility is hereby granted permission to re-open.

Date of previous inspection: 07-23-2024

  • Comments: Facility voluntarily closed during inspection and must remain closed until the applicable violations above have been corrected, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH to re-open. Contact EHS at contact information provided during normal business hours (8AM-4:30PM M-F) to schedule re-inspection when the applicable violations above have been corrected and all other requirements have been met.
  • 6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Employee beverages on or above prep surfaces throughout facility. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee cigarettes stored on shelf amongst food items.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Sponge and scraper observed at sushi area handwashing sink. Handwashing sinks are to be used for handwashing only.
    14 – required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Facility lacking 2024-dated parasite destruction letter from seafood supplier. Facility must submit current parasite destruction letter to MCOPH within 48 hours. Failure to comply may lead to legal action. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw meat stored above ready-to-eat foods in walk-in refrigerator.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Can opener blade unclean at time of inspection. Clean and sanitize.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. Facility using prep dates only. EHS emailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Can of spray paint stored on shelf amongst food items.
    29 – compliance with variance/specialized process/haccp
  • Comments: Facility unable to calibrate pH meter. pH meter appears to be not properly functional. Facility is not permitted to sell sushi rice until facility has displayed competency in calibration of a functional pH meter and a follow-up inspection for approval is conducted by MCOPH and written permission is granted by MCOPH.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Many live and dead roaches at various stages of lifecycle observed throughout kitchen and sushi prep areas. Facility must hereby cease operation. Facility may not resume operation until all live and dead roaches have been removed, all floors and affected surfaces have been cleaned and sanitized, professional pest control work order for target pest conducted on or after 07/23/24 is provided to MCOPH, all other requirements have been met AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Contact MCOPH during business hours to request a follow-up inspection. If facility schedules a follow-up inspection but has not corrected violation(s) required to re-open, facility will not be granted permission to re-open and will be required to remit a re-inspection fee of $345.00 to MCOPH prior to scheduling a subsequent inspection.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rear screen door torn. Repair screen or replace. Door must provide tight-fitting seal to exterior.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Food containers stored on floor in walk-in freezer. Elevate items to a minimum of 6 inches from floor. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knives stored in crevices between equipment at cook’s line.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Ice scoop stored inside ice machine. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Door threshold damaged at walk-in refrigerator. Repair and render repaired surface smooth, non-porous and easily cleanable.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: (5x Repeat) Facility storing foods in original metal cans in prep refrigerator. Upon opening metal canned food product, facility must use item in its entirety or transfer remainder to food-grade container. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Facility lining shelving in walk-in refrigerator with cardboard. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Shelving heavily soiled in walk-in refrigerator. Clean and sanitize.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Heavy grease accumulation observed at hood vent filters. EHS unable to verify last date of cleaning – sticker illegible. EHS contacted Upper Dublin Township Fire Marshal during inspection.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Active sewage backup observed from floor drains along cook’s line and at sushi prep area at time of inspection. Facility must hereby cease operation. Facility may not resume operation until backup is cleared, all floors and affected surfaces have been cleaned and sanitized, all other requirements have been met AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Contact MCOPH during business hours to request a follow-up inspection. If facility schedules a follow-up inspection but has not corrected violation(s) required to re-open, facility will not be granted permission to re-open and will be required to remit a re-inspection fee of $345.00 to MCOPH prior to scheduling a subsequent inspection. Facility may be subject to legal action due to failure to cease operation and notify MCOPH during an imminent public health hazard.
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Grease barrel partially stored on soil behind facility.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Floors unclean beneath cook’s line equipment. Clean and sanitize.


877 Old Skippack Road, P.O. Box 13 Salfordville, PA 18958

Last Inspection Date: 07-23-2024

  • Comments: No violations observed at time of inspection Facility not in operation at the time of inspection. No food handling or hot holding observed.



Last Inspection Date: 07-23-2024

  • 10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: No means of drying hands available in men’s toilet room.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Uncovered prepared foods and bulk ingredients stored in refrigeration units and in dry storage room.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rear screen door observed with gaps between door and frame. Provide tight-fitting seal.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Front door propped open without screen protection.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handlers lacking hair restraints at time of inspection.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Mop sink strainer and basin observed unclean. Clean and sanitize.


734 W MAIN ST TRAPPE, PA 19426

Last Inspection Date: 07-23-2024

  • 13 – food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Dented cans observed on storage shelf, voluntarily removed from shelf.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Cutting board on bain marie by ovens observed with heavy discoloration.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Chemical spray bottle stored amongst food and/or food contact items.
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Light and air space at bottom/side of screen door. Facility voluntarily closed main door.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in Walk in coolers and dry storage
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Container of sliced lemons stored inside ice machine
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Pots and Pans stored on floor underneath manual ware washing sinks
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Bowl/cup used as scoop stored obtain dry goods/food items.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knife stored in space between prep unit and counter.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Torn door gasket observed on : Bain Marie by pizza oven, Standing Refrigerator in back prep room, Chest Freezer in back prep room.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Hand sink near pizza ovens separated from wall. Re-Caulk
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Hole in ceiling in dry storage room.



Last Inspection Date: 07-23-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Copy of MCOPH food establishment license posted at time of inspection. Post original or apply for duplicate if necessary.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: CFSM not publicly posted at time of inspection. Serve safe posted and CFSM certificate located in office. Post for public view.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Lacking single service towels at hand sinks throughout facility.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Facility lacking soap at hand sinks throughout facility
    13 – food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Milk has a sell by date or use by date of 6/24. Facility voluntarily discarded all items.
    14 – required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Facility lacks 90 day supply of shellstock tags
    14 – required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Improper date marking for shellstock tags after product has been consumed/sold.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw food stored over ready to eat food items at cooks line drawer units and walk in cooler.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Can opener blade unclean
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer concentration of ware washing machine observed at less than 50ppm. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine for sanitizing and must sanitize wares in the three basin sink. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse of 50-100ppm chlorine, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply could lead to legal action. Fax or email report showing sanitizer concentration to the contact provided by your EHS.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Splash guard of ice machine unclean. Clean and sanitize according to owner’s manual.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Soda guns and holster at bar unclean
    22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: Foods with internal temperature greater than 41F in food prep refrigerator at deep fryer area and salad prep area. Facility voluntarily discarded all TCS foods. Facility must provide MCOPH with a list of all food items discarded with quantities.
    22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: Cooked potatoes stored at cook line outside of proper refrigeration. Facility moved to proper cold holding unit.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Proper date marking lacking on prepared food items in secondary containers and/or packaging.
    25 – consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked foods
  • Comments: Menu has consumer advisory but lacks the reminder to identify applicable menu items on dinner menu, specials menu, and lunch menus.
    33 – proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
  • Comments: Food prep units at deep fryer area and salad prep area unable to maintain internal food temp at or below 41F. Facility may not use the unit until serviced by licensed professional, AND unit is operating at 41F or below, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply or await permission before using unit may lead to legal action. Fax or email service report showing corrected operating temperature to the contact provided by your EHS.
    35 – approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Facility thawing frozen food at room temperature at cooks line.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Door propped open to outdoor bar area and back door leading to wood pile upon arrival
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Insect control devices observed in food prep area.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Wood located in wood storage area, stored directly on ground.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food sitting out uncovered throughout facility and walk in cooler.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in walk in freezer.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Foods not stored in secondary container in walk in cooler.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food stored in plastic grocery bags.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraints
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored with handle touching ice in ice bin at bar closest to entrance.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Tongs stored on oven door handle along cooks line.
    45 – single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service containers stored with food contact surface exposed
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Absorbent cloth lining surface underneath cutting board.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice build-up in chest freezer at end of cooks line.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Rust build-up on shelves in 2 door cooler at salad station.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Torn door gasket observed on 2 door cooler at salad station.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Fan guards in walk-in coolers are unclean.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on fans at cooks line.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on fans throughout facility.
    51 – plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Leak at faucet of hand sink at end of cooks line.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mop/ Mop Bucket stored outside.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Dead insects trapped inside light shields in kitchen.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ceiling in kitchen observed patched with dry wall sections that were not flush and continues with the rest of the ceiling and were not sealed.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: (6XR)Employee beverages stored throughout facility in unapproved areas. Facility was previously cited for this violation on 10/18/23. Facility may face additional legal action for repeat noncompliance.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: No cold water supply at hand sink. Facility restored cold water during inspection.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer bucket tested above 200ppm. Facility mixed a 50ppm solution.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Employee observed washing wares in 3 bay sink without sink being properly set up. No sanitizer in sink. Facility instructed on proper wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry procedures.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: (4XR)Live roach like insect observed on wall in kitchen at time of inspection. Facility must have a licensed pest control service and send report to email provided within 10 business days. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Personal food items stored with foods for customers in 3 door tall refrigerator.
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution between use.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Utensils stored in standing water at rice cooker and cooks line.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Scoops lacking handles stored in bulk dry foods.
    45 – single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Boxes of single use items stored on floor in front counter area.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Tape with napkin-like material on top of doors on 3 door tall refrigerator.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Commercial garlic containers observed being reused to store other food items. Once empty, these containers must be discarded.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Facility lining top of microwave with cloth.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Carboard lining under beverage refrigerator at front counter.
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: No chlorine test strips on site.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Exterior of waste oil unit in kitchen observed with excessive grease accumulation.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Doors and handles of cold holding units observed with food debris accumulation. Clean and sanitize.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Blue tape observed on wall to right of food prep sink.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Broken light switch cover at entrance to kitchen.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Rag stuffed in-between crevice at grease hood and ceiling at cook’s line.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Employees observed dumping beverages into handwashing sinks. Handwashing sinks are to be used for handwashing only.
    14 – required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Facility not recording date of final sale on shellstock tags in tag log.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw shell eggs stored above ready-to-eat items in walk-in refrigerator.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Can opener blade and holder observed unclean at time of inspection.
    25 – consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked foods
  • Comments: Consumer advisory statement posted on menus but not linked to tuna tartare and cowboy steak items that may be served raw/undercooked. Facility drafted and printed new menus during inspection.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Quat sanitizer tablets stored on top of straws at loft bar.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Open windows lacking screen at rear prep line/warewashing area in kitchen.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rodent-like droppings observed in cabinetry at Loft bar and on floors/shelving in basement. Facility must clean and sanitize all affected areas. Facility must be treated by a professional pest control operator within 10 business days. E-mail work order to MCOPH at e-mail address provided. Work order must indicate target pest treated for.
    43 – in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Tongs stored on oven door handles and in sanitizer buckets at time of inspection.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Wooden shelving at loft bar 1 door refrigerator and basement dry storage area no longer adequately sealed/in good condition. Wood removed from loft refrigerator.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Heavy ice accumulation observed on door of walk-in freezer. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Door damaged at keg walk-in refrigerator in basement.
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Temperature gauges at main warewashing machine observed to not accurate. Surface temperature observed at 180F via use of irreversible thermometer. Final rinse gauge maxed out at 145F.
    49 – non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Soda gun holsters unclean at time of inspection.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mops stored outside and not hung or inverted to dry inside.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: (2x Repeat) Hood filters not in place while equipment was in use. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: (2xR) Rodent like droppings observed in back area storage. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize area. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH with in ten business days. Email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.
    39 – contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Some uncovered food noted in refrigerator units throughout facility. Covers were provided for all food.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler not wearing hair restraint at time of inspection. Voluntarily donned hair protection.
    46 – gloves used properly
  • Comments: Food handler did not change gloves between placing raw meat on stovetop and handling ready to eat buns. Facility voluntarily discarded buns and were reminded to change gloves between tasks.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Walk-in drink refrig observed with missing/peeling gasket at bottom edge.
    55 – physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Cracked floor tiles noted in retail area by bathrooms and front entrance.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 10 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer concentration of ware washing machine observed at less than 50ppm. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine for sanitizing and must sanitize wares in the three basin sink. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse of 50-100ppm chlorine, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply could lead to legal action. Fax or email report showing sanitizer concentration to the contact provided by your EHS.
    36 – thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units.
    56 – adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Ventilation system above dining room tables leaking fluid.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Plastic shipping wrap peeling from equipment in kitchen.
    48 – warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Tubbing supplying soap & sanitizer to 3 basin sink is submerged in water.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: (2x Repeat) Employee beverages stored on food prep and/or storage surfaces in kitchen areas. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Soap lacking at front area handwashing sink.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Bottle pouring spouts stored in basin of front area handwashing sink. Handwashing sinks are to be used for handwashing only.
    15 – food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw shell eggs stored above ready-to-eat foods in walk-in refrigerator.
    22 – proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: 1 container of ranch dressing stored at ambient temperature at front counter. Facility stated that this was for employee use from a party held at facility last night. Facility voluntarily discarded item during inspection.
    23 – proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held for longer than 24 hours under refrigeration or hot holding must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days from, and including, date of preparation, AND may not exceed manufacturer’s discard date. EHS e-mailed date marking flowchart to facility during inspection. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    28 – toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Employee medication stored on shelf above front prep counter.
    38 – insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rodent-like droppings observed beneath equipment. Facility must clean and sanitize all affected areas. Facility must be treated by a professional pest control operator within 10 business days. E-mail completed work order to MCOPH at e-mail address provided.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: (2x Repeat) Food handler lacking hair restraint. Failure to correct adn maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wiping cloth chlorine sanitizer concentration observed at 0ppm at rear prep area sanitizer bucket, and above 200ppm at front area bucket.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Facility observed lining shelving and sides of grill with aluminum foil.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Facility reusing empty bottles originally containing a different commercially packaged product to store water and other products. Facility must discard bottles once empty and obtain washable reusable bottles for food storage. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to further legal action.
    47 – food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: (2x Repeat) Facility observed lining cook’s line shelving with cardboard. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.
    54 – garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Bag of soiled rags and aprons stored outside for pick-up. If storing these items outside, items must be inside of a covered, cleanable and pest resistant container.



Last Inspection Date: 07-22-2024

  • 1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that the most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS emailed one.
    1 – person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Food operational license obstructed from public view.
    2 – certified food protection manager
  • Comments: CFSM certificate obstructed from public view.
    5 – procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
  • Comments: Facility lacking a written policy / procedure addressing the clean-up of a vomit or diarrheal event. EHS emailed sample policy.
    6 – proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverages on worktop refrigerator and inside of refrigerator.
    10 – adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Back area hand sink obstructed by dish soap bottle and sponge in basin.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: 3 bay sink left basin obstructed for use by drying rack and clean utensils.
    16 – food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer buckets recorded with no sanitizer concentration. Facility mixed a 50ppm solution.
    40 – personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint.
    41 – wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution between use.

Originally Published:

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