North Shore Highlanders make their parade and festival season debut

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There’s a new band in Port Dover and they’re making a mix of ‘Highland bagpipe and drum’ sound.

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The North Shore Highlanders pipes and drums band, currently consisting of 33 members, 24 of whom are playing members, was founded in January 2024.

“We’re a Port Dover group,” said founder Ian McFadden, head of the pipe department. “We’re based in Port Dover, we train in Port Dover and this (events like the Dog’s Nest Fun Day at Port Dover) is what we set this up for.

“We are focused on the youth and want them to get involved and understand what veterans mean to our community, which is why we chose the Legion as a partner for this endeavor.”

North Coast Highlanders
Port Dover’s North Shore Highlanders Pipes and Drums at the annual Dog’s Nest Fun Day on July 21. CHRIS ABBOTT jpg, TN, apsmc

McFadden, who was a competitive flutist with the Paris Port Dover Pipe Band for 16 years, noted that there are currently no North Shore Highlanders playing with the Paris Port Dover Band. The Highlanders are a completely separate, independent entity.

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“We’re really a teaching band,” McFadden said. “We wanted a really fresh technical sound, and the only way to do that is to get the kids involved. Teach them from scratch so they don’t come in with bad technique or bad habits.”

“I really put them to the test with teaching,” laughs drummer David Oliver.

North Coast Highlanders
Port Dover’s North Shore Highlanders Pipes and Drums at the annual Dog’s Nest Fun Day on July 21. CHRIS ABBOTT jpg, TN, apsmc

“The Highlanders practice right outside my house and it’s nice to hear it all come together,” said Norfolk Ward 6 Councillor Adam Veri during the Dog’s Nest Fun Day.

Several new members are “still learning,” McFadden said.

“They will definitely parade with us next summer.”

The Highlanders, who recently put on a show-stopping performance at Dog’s Nest Fun Day, have been tapped to lead the 2024 Canada Day Parade in Port Dover and participate in the Canada Day Parade on June 27.e Port Dover Legion Decoration Day. They’ve been to social gatherings and festivals. And they’ll be at the free Simcoe Friendship Festival on August 4th.

North Coast Highlanders
Port Dover’s North Shore Highlanders Pipes and Drums at the annual Dog’s Nest Fun Day on July 21. CHRIS ABBOTT jpg, TN, apsmc

“That was a real honor,” McFadden said.

The Highlanders can be reached by email at [email protected]Facebook (North Shore Highlanders) and Instagram (@NorthShoreHighlanders).

“The content there is absolutely incredible. Top notch, very, very professional,” McFadden concluded.

North Coast Highlanders
Port Dover’s North Shore Highlanders Pipes and Drums at the annual Dog’s Nest Fun Day on July 21. CHRIS ABBOTT jpg, TN, apsmc

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