Get ready for a week of 32 degree days

People in bathing suits sit on rocks next to a rushing rapid, a large metal bridge looming behind them.

People hang out on rocks in Confluence Park during a real heat wave. July 12, 2024.

Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite

The National Weather Service has issued another heat warning for metro Denver.

Temperatures are expected to be around 37 degrees Celsius on Tuesday and remain around 37 degrees Celsius all week.

It’s not just Denver. Dangerous heat is hitting the US this week.

“I would say it’s lovely, but I’m not a fan of heat,” said National Weather Service meteorologist David Barjenbruch. “It doesn’t look like we’re going to cool down anytime soon.”

Although Tuesday will be the warmest day, Barjenbruch expects temperatures to remain unusually high in the coming days.

“Unfortunately, there’s not going to be a lot of cloud cover,” Barjenbruch said. “Normally, the humidity here in Colorado is so low that it feels a lot better in the shade. Seek shade if you can because that sun is going to be beating down on all of us this coming week.”

Due to a heat warning, Denver will open its cooling centers.

Denver’s recreation centers are open for those looking to shelter from the heat.

The centres have special areas for cooling, water, toilets and just relaxing.

Residents can also visit the city’s public libraries. And here’s a list of public pools in Denver.

Remember: High temperatures can be deadly. Here are some tips to keep you and your pets healthy in the heat.

Stay calm, Denver residents.

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