Hartford Says Farewell to Police Chief, Department’s Future in Question

HARTFORD, Mich. — The future of the Hartford Police Department is in question after City Manager Nicol Brown sent out a press release detailing problems within the department.

The letter begins by saying that the department has been struggling with staffing issues for years. It then goes on to say that the city recently decided to part ways with Chief Mike Prince and appointed Phil Lucas as interim chief while they figure out their next steps.

One of the options being considered is the possibility of phasing out the Hartford Police Department and contracting services from the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office. A special meeting had been scheduled for Monday to discuss these possible changes. However, the meeting was canceled.

FOX 17 reached out to City Manager Nicole Brown for comment, but she declined an interview. Calls were placed to city commissioners. We received a statement from Frank Dockter. “If we vote to disband the department, I will vote to keep the police department. We will have police. We just need to get our act together,” he told FOX 17.

If a decision is made to enter into a contract for police services with the county, Hartford residents will have the opportunity to vote on the matter.

Hartford’s website currently does not provide information on a new time for the special meeting.

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