Car Parked In Boston Attacked By A Turkey. Watch The Viral Video


A viral Tik Tok video shows that moving is really a bird thing.

In a video Alicia Mastroianni posted to TikTok, a turkey can be seen pecking wildly at Mastroianni’s car in Boston.

The video’s caption reads: “Moved to Boston… Gets attacked by a turkey… wasn’t on my list of things to be prepared for in the city.”

There is a note on the car where someone says they tried to scare the turkey away from the car, but the bird didn’t seem to be scared. The person who left the note said they took the video in case it would be useful for an insurance claim.

Why do turkeys attack cars?

It’s actually not that uncommon for a turkey to attack a shiny object. explained that turkeys can be aggressive for a number of reasons. They may act this way because they want to establish dominance, or because they see a shiny object.

“Turkeys are very strict about pecking orders, and if they don’t establish dominance upon first meeting, they may see you as a subordinate,” according to “Males and females each have their own pecking order, and homosexual flocks also have their own internal pecking order.

“Turkeys sometimes peck at shiny objects, such as windows or vehicles, and see their own reflection as an intruding turkey.”

The turkey in the viral Tik Tok video is pecking at the car’s doors and windows, so that could have something to do with the incident.

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