Opinion: Where is Jeremy Lloyd in MOHD104? And who are his out-of-state friends?

It was a scorching July morning when Terri Violet knocked on my door. While there have been many canvassers in the Republican primary, Violet is the only candidate who has found it worthwhile to speak to me in person.

We discussed the importance of adhering to our local values ​​and her unwavering support for law enforcement and veterans, having served in the U.S. Navy herself. I was impressed by her candid responses to my questions and amazed when she told me she had personally knocked on over 6,000 doors! I gladly took her pamphlet with me to do some more research.

I recently heard that she has a major opponent, and door-to-door operatives I’ve never met before (and who are apparently paid by a PAC) are trying to convince us that he, Jeremy Lloyd, is a better choice.

I have never met Jeremy and know nothing about him other than his yard signs. He has never come to my door. He has never been to a neighborhood event that I have attended. I have never even received any materials directly produced by his campaign committee, only stuff from the same PAC that seems to be doing all of his campaigning for him.

Where is Jeremy Lloyd? And who are these people campaigning for him?

I kept searching for answers and discovered that the group Make Liberty Win was a outside the state influential Virginia group that drops off strangers to roam our neighborhoods. But there’s more: they also have a record of campaign ethics violationsIn 2019, the group’s parent organization was fined by the Missouri Ethics Commission for distributing campaign materials in Missouri without proper disclosures and for failing to file required financial information.

When I tried to look them up on the MEC website, it said they didn’t register until late July, after the mandatory quarterly reports from all the candidate committees and PACs were due. So I guess they’re using dark money once again to support a candidate without having to give up their financials. I don’t think we’ll ever find out where Jeremy Lloyd’s out-of-state friends get all their money.

When I compare all of this to Terri Violet’s transparent campaign and her exclusive support of the Missouri Fraternal Order of Police, that’s enough for me to make a judgment. I will be voting for Terri Violet because she is clearly the reliable conservative woman who takes the high road and isn’t afraid to roll up her sleeves and do the hard work. Plus, it’s reassuring to know she’s not backed by these notorious outsiders who meddle in our local elections. I’m not sure what their game is, but I refuse to play along.

I am not a paid campaigner; I am simply a concerned citizen who wants to keep politics in our community civil and fair. I hope others in St. Charles County will join me in voting for Terri Violet on August 6th to reward positive campaigning instead of deceptive tactics.

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