Alaska Supreme Court to Have First Female Majority

Alaska Supreme Court Justice Jennifer Henderson is seen in Juneau on Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024. (Photo by James Brooks/Alaska Beacon)

Seven attorneys have thrown their names in the ring for a justice position on the Alaska Supreme Court. All seven candidates are women, meaning that — if all goes as expected — the court will have a majority of women for the first time in the state’s history.

The seven candidates were announced last week by the Alaska Judicial Council, which screens and nominates candidates for judicial positions. The governor then fills a judicial vacancy with candidates nominated by the council.

The attorneys have filed a petition to replace Chief Justice Peter Maassen, who turns 70 in 2025 — the retirement age for Alaska justices. Maassen’s departure marks the end of a string of retirements at the Supreme Court.

The incoming judge will be the fourth appointed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy from a five-person court. The only judge not appointed by Dunleavy is Susan M. Carney, who was appointed by former Gov. Bill Walker in 2016. Carney replaced former Justice Dana Fabe, who in 1996 was the first woman appointed to the Alaska Supreme Court.

The judicial council consists of three lawyers and three public members appointed by the governor, and the chief justice, currently Maassen.

Under the appointment process set forth in the Alaska Constitution, the council will conduct a survey of all Alaska attorneys, asking them to rank the candidates on six criteria related to professional fitness and judgment. The Alaska Judicial Council said the results of the survey should be available by the end of September.

The council then interviews each candidate. In November, the attorney and public council members vote to nominate the candidates they consider most qualified. If there is a tie, Maassen will cast the deciding vote. The governor then selects a new judge from the nominees.

Of the 27 current and former justices on the Alaska Supreme Court, only four are women.

The Supreme Court candidates are:

Kate Demarest, a senior assistant attorney general with the Alaska Department of Law in Anchorage; Josie Garton, a Supreme Court justice in Anchorage; Aimee Anderson Oravec, general counsel for Doyon Utilities LLC in Fairbanks; Margaret O. Rogers, currently in private practice in Fairbanks; Kate Vogel, the first assistant district attorney with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Anchorage; Holly C. Wells, currently in private practice in Anchorage; and Laura Wolff, a senior assistant attorney general with the Department of Law in Anchorage.

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