Mayor Buckley reinforces support for Annapolis Police Chief Jackson, officers’ suspension lifted

Following a recommendation from an independent investigative team within the Baltimore Police Department, the suspension of two Annapolis Police Department (APD) officers has been lifted.

“The Annapolis Police Chief and the police leadership team have my full confidence. They requested an independent investigation to determine the facts and acted on the investigation team’s recommendation that there was no clear violation of internal policy,” said Mayor Gavin Buckley.

“I want to assure residents that the issues being reviewed do not involve interactions between the public and the police. They are administrative personnel matters that I cannot go into in detail.

“What I can say is that throughout this entire process, I have heard nothing that causes me to doubt the integrity of our police chief or any member of his leadership team. Instead, their commitment to an independent investigation and their willingness to act swiftly in accordance with the outcome reinforces their honesty and professionalism.

“The City, the Chief and his team are committed to further demonstrating that professionalism by working with all APD employees to ensure that internal policies are clear and up to date, that communication and dialogue remain strong, and that there is a shared understanding of the department’s direction and values.

“The Annapolis Police Department does a great job. Under the leadership of Chief Jackson, they have worked hard to implement a true community policing model and build positive relationships with residents and community groups. They have done this while also being successful in getting guns and drugs off the streets and solving crimes.

“The city is committed to ensuring these administrative issues are resolved and our entire police department has what it needs to continue their good work.”

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