Kamala Harris: The textbook example of failure for the Democratic Party

By Craig J. DeLuz | Project 21

OPINION (PROJECT 21) – Amid the perceived rise of Kamala Harris as the leading contender to succeed President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s representative in the upcoming November elections, I received a communiqué from a confidant imploring me not to criticize her. It was made clear to me that, as a Black man, to flatly reject her candidacy in favor of the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, would result in my complete disengagement from the Black community. While I can attest to my friend’s sincerity and genuine concern for my well-being, I had to suppress my initial reaction of righteous indignation.

However, the message is emblematic of a troubling trend in our society, where any disagreement with a Black politician is automatically labeled as a betrayal of the Black community as a whole. This tactic is not only intellectually dishonest, but also dangerous, as it suppresses meaningful discussion and analysis of policies and qualifications, and fuels the negative aspects of the DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) narrative.

First of all, a person’s race should not determine their political beliefs or loyalties. We should all be able to freely and critically evaluate all candidates, regardless of the color of their skin. If I suggest that I should blindly support (or at least not oppose) Harris because she is black, I undermine both my agency as an individual and her competence as a civic leader (the latter is questionable).

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