TC man arrested for possessing child abuse material

By Beth Milligan | August 8, 2024

Russell Harp, a 33-year-old Traverse City man, has been arrested for possession of child sexual abuse material and using a computer to commit a crime. The investigation was initiated after a tip was received by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

The Michigan State Police (MSP) Computer Crimes Unit/Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force announced Harp’s arrest on Wednesday. According to MSP, a search of Harp’s home “resulted in the seizure of numerous internet-capable devices. Harp was charged with three counts of aggravated possession of child sexually abusive material and one count of using a computer to commit a crime.”

Harp was arraigned in the 86th Judicial District Court on August 1. The MSP ICAC Task Force was assisted by the 7th District ES Team and the MSP Traverse City Post. The MSP Computer Crimes Unit “encourages parents to talk to their children about safe use of the Internet,” the press release said. “There are many resources available to parents to help keep children safe online.”

Anyone with information about possible child sexual exploitation can report it to the Cyber ​​Tip Line here.


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