12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel



The first country where women can vote

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


The first country to enshrine women’s right to vote in law was New Zealand, in 1893.


The Dutch Santa Claus doesn’t bother with reindeer

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


Saint Nicholas prefers to keep it simple and ride a regular horse.


Bamboo grows fast enough to be measured per hour

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


Chinese Moso Bamboo can grow up to 3.8 centimeters per hour, making it the fastest growing plant in the world.


The word ‘mafia’ is never used in The Godfather

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


Concerned about the way Italian-Americans were portrayed in the film, real-life mafioso Joe Colombo kindly suggested that producer Al Ruddy, on behalf of the Italian-American Civil Rights League, remove the words “mafia” and “la Cosa Nostra.”


The strange sound of the narwhal

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


It may not be your first thought, but narwhals apparently spin.


Many people died in World War II, and most of them were civilians

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


Military casualties in World War II were immense, estimated at 21 million to 25 million. Civilian casualties, however, were much higher, estimated at 50 million to 55 million.


The Silent Genius of Foley Artists

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


Many of the sound effects you hear on TV and in movies were recorded after the fact by so-called “Foley artists.” They use tools, random objects, and old-fashioned ingenuity to recreate everyday sounds like footsteps and rain, or to create from scratch sufficiently visceral splashes, crunches, and bumps.


The Strangely Consistent Nests of Armadillos

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


No ultrasounds are needed here. Every time a nine-banded armadillo gives birth, the outcome is exactly the same: four identical, same-sex quadruplets.


Disney’s Aladdin was set in the wrong country

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


More people are familiar with the movie version, but in the original story of The Thousand and One NightsThe adventures of Aladdin take place in China.


The French behind ‘Faux Pas’

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


If you have a faux pasyou have made an embarrassing mistake. Or, in the literal translation from French, a “misstep”.


Never behead a Hydra

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


According to legend, cutting a HydraIf you don’t do another person’s head right, the problem only gets bigger, because then two more will take its place.


Dentists hate this… Dentist?

12 Trivia Facts With A Tensile Strength Stronger Than Steel


The tooth-crushing, extraordinary sugar bomb known as cotton candy was, ironically, invented by a dentist.

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