The Cartel-China Connection: A Looming Threat Revealed in Fiction and Reality

In a recent discussion, policy expert George Pond shed light on a troubling geopolitical scenario through the lens of fiction and current events. Pond, who is deeply involved in policy work and a friend of Dr. Richard Funk, the author of Cartel Wars, explained how this fictional novel reflects the real and imminent threats posed by the alliance between Chinese interests and Mexican cartels.

Cartel Wars is not only a work of fiction, but also a reflection of growing fears about national security. The novel, written by Dr. Funk, paints a scenario in which Chinese-backed Mexican cartels orchestrate an invasion of the United States, specifically targeting Texas. This invasion, depicted in the book, takes down Austin and highlights the resilience of Americans who ultimately fight back against the threat. Pond shared insights on the book’s relevance, noting, “The book captures the essence of what could happen if we remain complacent about the growing threat of these alliances.”

Pond’s discussion of WarRoom with Lara Logan on Thursday connected the fictional story to real-world concerns, particularly the implications of open border policies and the strategic manipulations of hostile nations. He drew parallels between the novel’s depiction of a Mexican cartel invasion and recent global developments. “When I saw the events unfold in Israel, it was a stark reminder of how vulnerable we are,” Pond noted, referring to the surprise attacks on Israel and comparing them to potential threats to the U.S.

The conversation also touched on the larger problems such alliances pose for U.S. security. Pond described how Mexican cartels, in collaboration with China, could exploit vulnerabilities in U.S. border security and infrastructure. He stressed that this collaboration is a theoretical threat and an evolving reality. “We’ve been dealing with an invasion for a long time,” Pond asserted, highlighting the ongoing problems of drug warfare, human trafficking, and smuggling that are already plaguing American communities.

Pond further elaborated on the strategic aspects of these threats, noting how China has used its partnership with Mexican cartels to essentially create a “Silk Road” to the United States.

“The Chinese have armed Mexican cartels and used them as proxies in their unrestricted warfare against the United States,” Pond explained, illustrating how this alliance could undermine American security from within.

The discussion also delved into how this situation intersects with current geopolitical tensions, particularly the risk of broader conflict with China. Pond warned of the possibility of increased aggression, noting: “We could be on the brink of a major war if tensions with China escalate, especially given the current geopolitical climate.”

Pond’s insights into Cartel Wars and their real-world implications serve as a call to action for policymakers and citizens. “Understanding and addressing these risks is critical to protecting national security and preparing for potential future conflicts,” Pond concluded, emphasizing the need for vigilance in the face of these evolving challenges.

Watch the full interview with Lara Logan:

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