Exposing Britain’s Two-Tier Justice System

Since the horrific murder of three little girls in Southport, the government and police have exposed the extent of Britain’s two-tier justice system and told white people they are second-class citizens when it comes to the right to protest.

On Monday 29th a knifeman stabbed eleven children and two adults at a children’s dance workshop in Southport, killing three white children. Initially many assumed this was a case of Islamic terrorism, where perpetrators are known to target children for political purposes.

Rwandan suspect

Police said the attack was not being treated as “terror-related” despite the deliberate targeting of children and the motive remains unknown. What is now known is that the attacker was a 17-year-old African, Axel Rudakubana, born to Rwandan parents in Cardiff before moving to Southport in 2013. Rwanda is a predominantly Christian country with just 2% Muslim population and a recent history of genocidal violence just two years before the stabbing was born. Axel has now appeared in court smiling before covering his face. He has been described by Heritage media as a “Welshman” and “choir boy” who didn’t go out much and used old pre-teen photos to appear more sympathetic.

In response to the mass stabbing, many local residents attended a peaceful protest and vigil the following evening on Tuesday. Events turned violent when another man wearing a balaclava and carrying a knife turned up at the vigil. This confirmed the fears of many protesters that they were being targeted and fueled resentment towards politicians and the police over the mass migration of foreigners to the UK and the failure to prevent anti-white attacks such as Pakistani grooming gangs and African knife crime. Police were attacked with objects and a local mosque was set on fire in the aftermath.

The media response was to blame the violence on perceived outside agitators and defunct “far-right groups” while denying that the protesters had any legitimate grievances. Keir Starmer called the protesters violent, illegal thugs and promised new powers to prevent the movement of public figures who have not been found guilty of a crime, facial recognition cameras to identify protesters and pressure social media companies to enforce government agendas.

This was in stark contrast to the more muted response to the riots in Harehills just two weeks earlier, which Starmer called “shocking and disgraceful” but did not describe as “violent or unlawful”. These protests were sparked by the placement of some Roma children in care by social services, but were also supported by other local residents in the predominantly Pakistani area. Police arrived at Harehills without riot gear and were seen running away en masse after violence broke out. Two police cars and a double-decker bus were set on fire and objects, including stones, were thrown at police. Few people were arrested, including a white woman who made comments about the protesters.

Police spotted running away from rioting immigrants in Leeds in July, where Muslim and Roma gypsy groups were allowed to rampage through the city unhindered for hours
Police use excessive force against anti-immigration protesters, deploying police dogs (X)

Taking the knee

Keir Starmer has also been reluctant to condemn the violent “Black Lives Matter” protests of 2020, which left dozens of police officers injured and mobs of black men attacking counter-protesters and bystanders, sometimes with weapons. The violence at these events has again been blamed on “far-right” counter-protesters. Starmer has refused to call BLM “violent” or “illegitimate” and has taken to the signature “one knee” pose in support of the protesters. He has also said he would undergo “unconscious bias training” in response to his calling the protests a “moment,” which BLM agitators have seen as dismissive.

The Black Lives Matter protests were motivated by conspiracy theories about “anti-black” sentiment in police departments worldwide after a violent black criminal suffered a heart attack from a heroin overdose after being restrained by a police officer called to the scene of a crime where George Floyd attempted to use counterfeit money to pay at a store. The conspiracy theory alleges that people of African descent are arrested and charged at a higher rate than whites or other racial groups due to police racism rather than their documented greater propensity for violent crime.

As protests continued throughout the weekend, Keir Starmer doubled down on his previous rhetoric, declaring: “Those (white people) who took part in this violence will face the full force of the law,” and continuing: “People in this country have a right to be safe and yet we have seen Muslim communities targeted, mosques attacked.” He continues to deny native Britons the right to feel safe.

Protests against foreign criminal violence have continued in the UK, spurred on by Starmer’s rejection of dealing with criminals and instead criminalising the concerns of the native British population. Many have been peaceful, but some have been met with violent opposition, including multiple events where mobs of Muslims have been seen marching with weapons including knives, machetes, axes, batons and hammers.

Anti-white violence

In Stoke, Staffordshire, two white British protesters were stabbed and beaten with hammers by Muslim men. A video shows a police liaison officer asking Muslim rioters to “throw their weapons away from the mosque” to avoid arrest.

In Bolton, large groups of black-clad Muslims, many wearing masks, can be seen running through the town, accompanied by peaceful white protesters.

In Rotherham, one of the most notorious areas linked to the mass rape of British children by foreign men and the police cover-up surrounding it, protesters have marched on a hotel where illegal migrants are being housed, against the wishes of the British public and at extortionate prices for the taxpayer.

In Cardiff, South Wales police issued a dispersal order to prevent protests, but then allowed far-left counter-protesters to gather in direct defiance of the order and refused to enforce the dispersal. In Northern Ireland, unionists and republicans have been sent side by side against far-left gangs.

Protests have also emerged in other European countries, with photographs of the Southport victims and slogans relating to the attack. All European countries are under pressure to accept mass migration of non-Europeans under threat of economic blackmail and against the will of native Europeans.

The mass importation of foreigners into the UK has taken place against the wishes of the vast majority of the native population, who have repeatedly voted to reduce migration. The mass rape of children by Muslim gangs, mainly Pakistani gangs, Islamic terrorism and the African knife crime epidemic are a direct result of repeated government policies under the Labour and Conservative parties.

The government has so far maintained control through violent repression of indigenous people, criminalisation of speech concerning minority groups, large-scale cover-ups of crimes by non-British people and media manipulation. It has previously been revealed that the government uses psychological manipulation in the aftermath of violent attacks by foreigners to shift the focus away from the origins of the perpetrators in a process termed “controlled spontaneity”.

These tactics have allowed the problems to fester beneath the surface, but as attacks like the one in Southport become more frequent and it becomes increasingly clear to the public that our “leaders” do not represent the interests of the British people, more violence and disorder will ensue.

The only way to prevent these problems from getting worse is a radical change in policy and a return to the homogeneous nations we once had. Illegal immigrants must no longer be allowed to stay and be housed at enormous taxpayer expense. Legal immigration must be drastically reduced or stopped and incentives must be provided for multi-generational immigrants to return to their home countries. Laws must be enforced evenly and without regard to cries of “racism.” Cover-ups must be exposed and those responsible held accountable.

Only groups like Patriotic Alternative are prepared to uphold the law fairly and protect the rights of the British people. Only PA can return Britain to the safe, prosperous country it once was.

This article originally appeared on Patriotic alternative and is republished with permission by The Noticer.

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