Kamala Harris and the Civilized Jihad of Democratic Street Crime | Opinion

On January 21, 2017, hundreds of thousands of pink-hatted feminists protested the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump the day before by rampaging through Washington, DC. An extension of the riots and protests that rocked the nation’s capital on Inauguration Day itself, the “Women’s March on Washington” was far from a peaceful affair. Hundreds of anarchists were arrested over the course of several days, mostly on charges of rioting or vandalism. The pussy-hatted feminist rioters thus represented the first manifestation of Trump-era destructive Democratic shock troops. Call it Democratic Street Thuggery 1.0.

That particularly virulent form of radical feminism reached a fever pitch during the 2017-18 #MeToo struggle in society, culminating in Christine Blasey Ford’s infamous attempt to thwart Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court in September 2018. The misandrist movement’s chief crusader during that sordid affair, spreading the ridiculous “believe all women” smear campaign from her senatorial podium while casually touting five millennia of “innocent until proven guilty” civilized norms, was none other than the dimwitted Senator Kamala Harris of California.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden—or what was left of Joe Biden at the time—was so impressed with Harris’s disgusting questioning of Kavanaugh and her own hilariously unimpressive 2020 presidential campaign that he tapped her as his running mate. Cackling Kamala’s great contribution to Biden’s campaign was her dutiful whitewashing of her own dark skin to demonstrate “empathy” for the American left during our next great battleground, the Antifa-Black Lives Matter “racial reckoning” that followed the death of St. George Floyd, our martyr, in May 2020. Such “empathy” included Kamala’s unctuous rhetorical support for the rioters, as well as her posting on social media of a link supporting bail for those rare BLM rioters who were actually arrested. The Antifa-BLM rioters, who caused up to $2 billion in property damage during that infamous Summer of Love, were the Democratic Street Thugs 2.0.

No politician in recent history has parlayed so little talent into such stratospheric success as Harris. The commander in chief “failed up” again into the vice presidency—and now, after Biden’s bloodless coup last month, into the Democratic presidential nomination itself. And this Tuesday, in announcing her running mate, Kamala ostentatiously passed over her clearly superior option, the popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, in favor of the vapid prairie socialist Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. Walz, as the governor of the home state of St. George Floyd our martyr, was the original arsonist of the nationwide Summer of Love conflagration. There was no greater fanner of the flames of Democratic Street Thuggery 2.0 than Walz.

Democratic presidential candidate, US Vice President Kamala
Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks as Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz looks on during a campaign event at Girard College on August 6, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

The choice of Walz over Shapiro is curious for a number of reasons, but the peculiar context in which it all unfolded adds to the intrigue. Kamala made her announcement in Philadelphia, Shapiro’s hometown. It came a few days after Philadelphia’s mayor—or, more accurately, the mayor’s hapless social media intern—inadvertently posted a polished video supporting a Harris-Shapiro ticket. The implication seemed clear enough: the choice would be Shapiro. But then, after a weekend of keffiyeh-clad radicals running wild in Philadelphia, waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags and chanting “Genocide Josh,” the Keystone State governor was suddenly sidelined. Kamala caved to the “Death to America!”- and “Death to Israel!”-shouting jihadists who make up Democratic Street Thugs 3.0.

Intellectually challenged and an empty vessel for Democrats to project their basest desires, Harris is the unique politician who finds herself in the three-part Venn diagram of all three Democratic Street Thuggery movements. The overlap of “believe all women”-style destructive feminism, Antifa-BLM “racial reckoning” anarchy, and Hamas/Hezbollah flag-waving civilizational jihad is embodied in one person: Kamala Harris. She is the perfect totem for the modern Democratic Party, one that glorifies intersectional victimhood and will whip its shock troops into a violent frenzy to get what it wants. The modern Democratic Party is less political vehicle and more mafia—right down to the omertà confidentiality surrounding Biden’s physical and mental decline.

Many European countries have bought into the fiction that jihadist outfits Hamas and Hezbollah — the real terrorist organizations of the Middle East, not their useful idiot American supporters — can somehow be divided into “political” and “militant” wings. This is, of course, a lie — it is a distinction without a difference. Likewise, the idea that the Democratic Party can be divided into its elite “political wing” and its “militant wing” of the shock troops is also a lie. The elites and the shock troops are one and the same. And Harris and Walz are at the epicenter of it all.

On October 30, 2020, this column argued that the then-upcoming election “pitted against each other a fundamentally American vision of governance and a fundamentally insurgent vision of anarchist chaos.” That was true then. And it is even more true of our election cycle today.

Josh Hammer is Newsweek senior editor-at-large, host of “The Josh Hammer Show” and “America on Trial with Josh Hammer,” a syndicated columnist, senior counsel for the Article III Project, and a research fellow at the Edmund Burke Foundation. Subscribe to “The Josh Hammer Report,” a Newsweek newsletter and Josh Hammer’s Subtext SMS group. X: @josh_hammer.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own.

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