The future of Fair Food is in your hands

As this week’s real-world personal stories demonstrate, two parallel worlds have existed in American agriculture since the Fair Food Program was founded in Immokalee more than a decade ago: the world of freedom from abuse on farms under the FFP, and the world of harsh exploitation outside the protections.

Within the world of the Fair Food Program, workers have the power and tools to be the frontline monitors of their own rights. Outside the program, farmworkers are subjected to a litany of human rights violations, including sexual harassment and abuse, wage theft, and modern slavery.

The hope of the Fair Food Program is to eventually expand to all farmworkers in the U.S. and abroad. And with our historic growth to 13 new states in the coming months, it’s clear that our movement is gaining momentum. But despite our progress and the transformative impact the FFP has had on the lives of tens of thousands of farmworkers, our work is not done.

The majority of farmworkers in the U.S. are outside the protections of the Fair Food Program. To bring them in, we need your help. By donating $10 each month, you can help fuel the program’s expansion even further and ensure that American agriculture, which has relied on the exploitation of farmworkers for centuries, can finally enter a new era.

To conclude this week’s campaign for our Sustainers Program, we’d like to share this message from CIW co-founder Lucas Benitez, reflecting on 30 years of unparalleled success within the coalition and the urgent need to expand the worker-driven Fair Food Program as far and wide as possible.

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