Australian National Review – Gang murder and rape have angered Britons for decades, now Starmer jails those who speak out –

Tommy Robinson speaks with leading American patriot and Republican Charlie Kirk and informs Americans about the shocking history of immigrant gangs in the United Kingdom.

ONE need only listen to the mainstream media reports of the shocking scandal of child grooming, rape and murder in the English town of Telford. In this town with a 1.7% Muslim population (3,500 inhabitants), 200 of them have been identified by the police as perpetrators of child grooming.

Police also identified about 1,000 victims, five of whom were murdered and burned, but of the 200 perpetrators identified, only 11 were convicted. Robinson says that of those 3,500, about 1,000 were men, meaning that 20% of the adult Muslim male population was involved.

“That’s how big the problem is,” Robinson said. “And the problem is that you’re not allowed to talk about it, to discuss it, so what you’re seeing in the UK now, where the place is on fire, where people are in the streets, is a build-up of 10, 20 years of being silenced, being labelled racist, being labelled far-right, being silenced, being scared into being quiet, while your daughter’s freedom, your wife’s freedom, your mother’s freedom to just walk down the street has been taken away.”

Robinson rightly identifies the problem as unrestricted immigration. He denies he is a racist, openly saying “some of the best people I’ve met in my home town of Luton are Muslims, some of the people I love are Muslims,” ​​but he says the problem is the ideology that engenders oppression, violence and subjugation of non-Muslims.

Yet the same media that was forced to expose the mass criminal rape and child grooming in Telford still calls Tommy Robinson ‘far right’, while the Labour Prime Minister and the Conservatives before him send the police out to arrest anyone who posts information online that could be construed as ‘inciting racial hatred’.

In 2023, a total of 3,300 people were arrested for posting “illegal comments” on social media. Arrests continue under the guise of posting material likely to incite racial hatred or simply reposting images of riots.

Now Tommy Robinson, who has been charged with contempt of court under so-called anti-terrorism laws for showing his documentary Silenced, faces up to two years in prison.

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