CCSO: Grovetown man gave girls alcohol, asked for sexy videos

A Grovetown man was arrested Thursday for allegedly providing alcohol to minors and soliciting them to make sexually provocative videos of themselves.

Brian Alexander Randall, 34, allegedly gave two underage girls 20/20 at a home on Sedgefield Circle in Grovetown on July 27. He then convinced them to make a video of themselves engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

According to a warrant, Randall convinced the underage girls to “produce videos of themselves spanking each other, romantically kissing, and ‘twerking.’”

Twerking is defined by Merriam-Webster as a sexually suggestive dance characterized by rapid, repeated hip thrusts and shaking of the buttocks, especially while squatting.

According to the arrest warrants, it is unlawful for any person to knowingly use.
“Inducing, inciting, enticing or coercing a minor to engage in or assisting another person to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual medium depicting such conduct.”

Randall was charged Thursday by the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office with two counts of felony sexual exploitation of children and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He was being held Friday night in jail under a $34,000 bond.

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