The Beginning of America: Everything is Different and Yet Everything is the Same

The US is demanding that Israel investigate itself over rape and sodomy videos that come out of their torture cells. But the government has already investigated itself and declared that torture was a justified Kabbalah method to inflict the most pain and suffering in order to achieve a prolonged death. Historically, torture was used by the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Persians as a means to dehumanize the soul.

The modern world is nothing but its parallel history. The barbarians put on suits, kiss their children on the head, and then tend to their next torture victim as if they were simply going to work, briefcase in hand, whistling a tune. They might as well be wearing the robes of their ancestors who date back 3,000 years. Their spirit is no longer the lowest element of God.

The US wants Israel to investigate itself. But the US is the most prolific martyr, committing this crime daily on its own citizens. Ukrainians fighting against Russia is a form of forced torture – knowing that death is inevitable. Nearly 1 million Ukrainians live underground to avoid the torture of war. They have no animosity towards Russia – they know that Zelensky is their tormentor. Zelensky who spent all of Ukraine’s money on houses, cars, boats, planes, cocaine, etc… is now in default on Ukraine’s debt.

The US and EU have agreed to use “interest on Russian assets” to finance Ukraine’s bankruptcy. Ukraine has no source of income. It is carrying on the shoulders of another country with a debt of $41 trillion.

Japan is riding the wave of $9.2 trillion in debt. That wave is about to engulf Japan. Previous attempts to reduce debt have included: Raising taxes while continuing the spending spree. And issuing bonds that the Bank of Japan then had to buy—a pyramid scheme.

The focus was on the Japanese and US stock markets after a 6% plunge on the Nikkei. In the real world of finance, a correction is a 10% drop. So neither Japan nor the US experienced a ‘correction’, which is normally a common occurrence. Corrections are usually created to favour institutional buying, thus creating a false profit.

The big three hedge funds, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, create market movements where prices are exchanged in closed deals that are not available to anyone else. That’s why prices change overnight – and you didn’t get the call to join in The Club.

Like everything else, the stock market is an illusion. It represents nothing. It is not indicative of the economy. It does not reflect the wealth of the middle class. It is a barometer, a pressure gauge, used by the 10% and no one else.

The first stock exchange was established in 1611 in the Netherlands by the East India Company. They sold and used slaves for profit, which gave an 18% return on investment. The exchange was financed by the Welser family, the Fugger family (original spelling – Fucker) and the Holy Roman Empire. The Welsers and Fuggers used their wealth to elect emperors of the Holy Roman Empire and thus control the laws of the popes.

The Fugger family still exists through Alexander Fugger-Badenhausen. Their net worth is estimated at $400 billion. Their income comes mainly from forestry, while the Vatican invests heavily in the NY and Italian stock exchanges. The Wesler family is extinct and their foundations are managed by the Ulm Branch in Germany.

The New York Stock Exchange was founded in 1792 through the Buttonwood Agreement. The agreement gave Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton authority to issue war debts for the Revolutionary War and created the first federal credit system. 40 brokers traded 30 stocks and bonds among themselves.

In 1911, Emanuel Mendels founded the Curb Association, which later became the NY Market Agency. AMEX account. His wife was Bertha Rothschild. The Curb Brokers were mainly of Irish and Jewish descent and acted as a competitor to the NY Exchange. These two factions were the powerful mafias in New York City, the Jews having emigrated from Russia. They were breaking into America’s Wealth Power.

The stock market was rooted in the elite clubs of society then – and now. They trade among themselves… then and now. When the stock market crashed in 1929, it was largely due to middle class money trying to bet on the club with credit provided by the club. It is more like a board game for the rich and so is not so much rooted in the economy as in the ‘traders’. The crash eliminated the rabble and returned the market to its original club format – as George Carlan noted.

Everything is different and yet nothing has changed. The use of barbaric torture has never stopped. The Vatican is still a plague of Power. The stock market is completely manipulated by the traders who do the work of The Club. And the Middle Class has been defeated in favor of a noble class and a peasant class. Communism was called Monarchial Government. And War defined Kings and Governments by their Profit and Loss.

Reprinted with permission from

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