is the committee of 300 the beast?

I’m still looking for the original source of the document discussed in this post. It appears it may have been dredged up from the group of 810,000 documents that were part of the Panama papers, the Pandora Papers, the Paradise Papers, the Bahamas Leaks and the Offshore Leaks Investigations, but I cannot yet say that with certainty.

Here is what Wikipedia claims about the Committee of 300.

The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a conspiracy theory(1) that claims a powerful group was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727 and rules the world.(2) Proponents of the theory alleging the Committee’s existence believe it to be an international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts.

The Committee of 300 (C300) has also been called “The Hand” which is an acknowledgment of the heavy hand of the Rothschild family on the financial scales of the world.

As we all know, Wikipedia is the official purveyor Orwellianism. To protect the powers that shouldn’t be, it serves as the official narrative platform for them, truth be dammed. Who knows, Wikipedia may very well be a working partner with the C300. Wikipedia has a long record of claiming things are conspiracy theory when in fact, they are true. Their versions of the assassinations of the JFK, RFK, King, Malcom X, their lies about 9/11, J6, covid and vaccines all reflect official narratives, which as we all know are packs of lies. To me, the fact that Wikipedia is saying that the C300 is a conspiracy theory means that it’s existence is real, but it’s meant to be a very well kept secret.

This post will expose yet another Wikipedia official narrative as more lies.


I recently came across this post by Daniel Nagase MD.

This is an emergency post as I just found out tonight that my Linux computer has been hacked and that the permissions of at least 1 file have been changed to prevent copying…

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5 days ago · 118 likes · 50 comments · Daniel Nagase MD

The focus of this short post is a file that was posted on The Truth is the Light, a site with a strong new age bent. At first I was thrown by finding such an important document on a site that otherwise has nothing to do with geopolitical/financial affairs. If someone forged this document, they went to an awful lot of trouble for no apparent gain. It appears to be legitimate. Although there is little information about the provenance of this particular document, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to back it up. We’ll get into that.

Let’s have look at some of the document.

This is the cover page.

The ASBLP Companies are real. King Anthony Santiago Martin, listed later as a party to the document, is named here on the ASBLP site. Here is his LinkedIn page. There isn’t much there. In fact, there is so little information online about this fellow I’m beginning to wonder if he is a real person or a ghost serving as a placeholder. There is evidence his position is being used as a shill for accounts from other countries.

This is the page listing the organizations that apparently have some sort of official entanglement with the Committee of 300. We’ll soon see how the UN cooperates with the C300.

Then comes a preface detailing what is claimed to be a historic documentation of the origin of the “Filipino Peoples Treasury”.

Then comes the directives that detail how funds are to be transferred around the world between the various centrally controlled institutions of the Committee of 300.

Then we have the numerous pages of banks and accounts from around the world that participate in this massive scheme. As of the date of this document, there were 917 banks around the world participating with the Committee of 300. Is your bank on this list? If so, you may want to consider changing banks. If things go south, these banks may very well be the first to be targeted.

For 235 years the Philippine Islands were under the thumb of the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Spain in Mexico City. After Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico City continued to govern the Philippines for another 77 years.

Consequently, the preface of this document traces the historic origin of the “Filipino Peoples Treasury” through the Philippine monarchy, originally put in place by Spain. Today, a handful of families control much of the wealth of the Philippines and most of them have Spanish surnames.

The fact that native Filipinos have no claim over their own resources says a lot about how royalty and the C300 operate.

Other players named in the history of the origins of this document are Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, the Vatican and the president of the UN at the time, Carlos P. Romulo.

Yes, it’s an interesting collection of participants collaborating with what might be the Biblical beast.

One of the more interesting tidbits of information in the preface is the claim that Adolf Hitler is the son of Ignacio Enrique Coronado, which would make him half Filipino. There are, in fact, long standing questions about Hitlers paternal genealogy.

Then there is the question of why Nazis are brought into this document?

Perhaps the most crucial aspect of the preface is that the funds being discussed come under the trusteeship of “the Committee of 300 under Queen Elizabeth II”. This was to occur in 1986, the same year Ferdinand Marcos was toppled from power. Officially, he was toppled by a “people powered revolt”, but given this new information, it appears he was taken out to bring control of Filipino wealth under control of the Crown.

How convenient for the Queen.

The preface also makes clear that the funds are legally free and clear of any criminal prosecution. Right. Given that those who own the gold make the rules, it’s not surprising that it says nothing about whether or not the funds are morally free and clear.

The document makes clear that the funds can only be accessed through the ASBLP group of companies and the authorized banking institutions which are in the Committee of 300 registry. In other words, they’re ultimately under the control of the Queen (now the King, i.e. the Crown) of England.

Folks, this is how the resources of earth (gold, silver, gemstones, forests, rivers, coal, real estate etc) – OUR commons – are stripped from us and horded away as wealth by the predatory elite. Those resources are then doled out to us like parents giving children a pitiful allowance. The difference being, our predatory elite ‘parents’ charge usury for that pittance.

Here’s how it works. Royalty and/or dynastic powers steal the wealth of the earth from all of us, then charge all of us interest to use a tiny fraction of that wealth. This is all done so a handful of predatory elite can live lavish lifestyles generation after generation.

To get a handle on how much wealth we’re talking about, according to Dr. Nagasi, the financial resources – in these Philippine accounts alone – amount to more wealth than the GDP of the seven largest economies on earth, combined.

What is most astonishing is that we are left to assume that this is just one of about 300 countries with similar accounts and similar documents. In other words, if 300 countries have similar documents describing similar secret concentrations of wealth and, like the Philippines, if each of those countries has wealth greater than the seven largest economies of the world combined, then the fact that the wealth of the world is beyond comprehension would be the best kept secret on earth.

Of course this means the wealth of those handful of people who control those resources is likewise unfathomable. It also means that, thanks to the unholy greed of those psychopathic elite, the vast majority of people on earth are living in forced poverty.

The organization listed at the top of the second page, FATF+GAFI is real. Apparently it has some sort of jurisdiction over these documents. Here is the FATF+GAFI website. This organization cloaks itself as a “global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog”. In short, it’s a wolf watching over the hen house. We can derive some basic information about this organization from Wikipedia.

The Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering) (‘FATF, aka “Faftee”), also known by its French name, Groupe d’action financière (GAFI), is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering and to maintain certain interest.(3) In 2001, its mandate was expanded to include terrorism financing.

The FATF Secretariat is administratively hosted at the OECD in Paris, but the two organisations are separate.(4)

The objectives of FATF are to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system. FATF is a “policy-making body” that works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas.(5) FATF monitors progress in implementing its Recommendations through “peer reviews” (“mutual evaluations”) of member countries.

Apparently, FATF+GAFI was organized by the G7 in 1989 to police the world economy to insure that the C300 remains the primary financial dictator of the world.

The 39 countries that make up the membership of the FATF+GAVI includes the 5 Eyes, European countries, a number of Latin American countries and a few others. Russia has been suspended due to the war in Ukraine. Most countries that participate with the C300 are not members of FATF+GAVI. Among the countries FATF+GAVI lists as being under “increased monitoring”, most are African or Middle Eastern. Countries that one would expect would be monitored for financial corruption and terrorism, like Israel, Ukraine, the US and Mexico (the latter two are where drug cartels launder vast amounts of money), are not on the monitored list. In fact, none of the member States are on the monitored list.

Again, how convenient.

This reinforces the idea that the entire organization is a charade, existing only to protect the C300.

Knowing all of this helps explain why Western economies are so concerned about the rise of the BRIC’s economic block.

Most of you will recall that on several occasions the US has either frozen or released the funds of foreign countries. Perhaps one of the best known examples is when Carter and the UN froze funds from Iran. If we extrapolate from the C300 Philippine document, Carter and the UN acted on behalf of Queen Elizebeth to freeze some of Irans assets held by C300 banks around the world.

Biden is now threatening to freeze funds from Russia and give them to Ukraine via the REPO Act. How is this “freezing” done? It’s done because these countries are all participants in the C300 – they all have accounts in the participating C300 banks in each others countries, funds that facilitate international trade to benefit the elite. The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and now Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates) currently participating with C-300, will likely want to pull their assets from the C300 group and park them in the new BRIC group.

Will that remove them from the control of the English Crown?

Is this the real reason why Biden is threatening to freeze Russia’s assets?

Is this what the war in Ukraine is really about?

Is this why the UK (the Crown) is so staunchly supportive of Ukraine?

What are the entanglements with Israel and The Hand (the Rothschilds)?

Thanks for reading the secular heretic! This post is public so feel free to share it.


As Dr. Nagase pointed out, if war is to be conducted between C300 members, the banks must first give permission. There are at least two reasons for this. 1) War cannot be conducted without borrowing funds from bankers. 2) The banks need time to move the funds of the warring parties to a safe place. Most non-C300 local banks are not going to have sufficient funds to be of any help conducting war, so the C300 banks will be the go-to banks for the warring parties. Those banks are willing participants because they know they’ll generate a windfall of profit from the war – profits that will far exceed the loss of any bank building that might get destroyed by war. As Dr. Nagase pointed out, banks dictate the terms and conditions of any major war.

This all begs the question – who is running your country? If everything is being decided by the the Crown and the C300 group, that means our elected officials are merely sock puppets. It also means there is no such thing as national sovereignty.

To some extent we all participate in the C300 banking scheme. I’m stuck with it thanks to the fact that Substack only allows payments through Stripe, which, due the dictatorial manner in which it operates, likely has C300 connections. And those 917 banks that make up the C300 group will all interact with other smaller, local banks. So even if you bank with a small, local bank, to some extent you’ll still be participating in the greater scheme. However, I still think it’s best to avoid banking directly with a C300 bank in the long run. As I said, when things go south, those in-the-know will target them first.

All of this would come to a screeching halt if usury was banned. It’s still largely banned by Islam. It was historically banned by Christianity and Judaism, but it sneaked in through the Roman Empire where it came to be accepted by the Roman Catholic church. Khazarian Jews also had no issue with usury.

the beast

This is the part that’s difficult for me to write about. Let me just say that what follows are my opinions, my beliefs. Do I practice them vigorously? No. I merely strive towards them.

I’ve touched on some of this before. I think science based materialism is the primary religion of our day. It has driven a wedge between us and our spiritual connection to God and everything Holy. The lives of far too many people are focused on the pursuit of money and the collecting of material possessions. I would even go so far as to say that materialism is the beast referred to in the Bible. It now appears that beast is directed by the C300.

Revelations 13:1. And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Queen Elizabeth lived on an island that rose up and became a nation so great that it came to control the C300. The C300 serves as the official church for the religion of materialism. It’s blasphemy. To a greater or lesser extent we are all adherents to that religion.

Revelations 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (the beast), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Parenthesis mine.)

Revelations 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

To me this brings to mind the Georgia Guidestones, Bill Gates, Ted Turner and other eugenicists who think the worlds population of ‘useless eaters’ should be reduced to 500 million so that those who remain after the great culling get to distribute the spoils of the C300 (the beast) among themselves.

II Thessalonians 2: 8-12

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness

Many thanks to those of you who support this work with a paid subscription. This is how I make a living.


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