Australian National Review – 2.5 years jail for unruly Britons of traitor Starmer who released child killers –

FOUR loyal Britons angry at the government’s years of pampering of jihadist rape gangs have been jailed for 30 months for alleged “violent disorder” at the hands of the treacherous Trotskyist and globalist Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

The dirty work is done by Starmer’s political courts, run by his Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The sentences are a sham of a police state, morally equivalent to charges of “hooliganism” or “anti-state activity” handed out by the Stasi secret police under the former East German communist regime or Stalin’s NKVD.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) placed the photos of the four convicts on X, most likely in response to Stasi Starmer’s plan to provocatively intimidate, terrify and intimidate Britons who dare to oppose the globalist regime’s culture war against Britain’s native white population.

The four come from the working-class city of Sunderland and nearby Washington. The region, which includes Newcastle and North and South Shields on the River Tyne in the north, has 22 mosques. Native English people have watched with fear for decades the growth of these Islamic centres and the favoured treatment they receive from government departments that promote multicultural ideology.

A criminal element among these Muslim immigrants apparently felt they could get away with things that ordinary Britons could not and made a habit of manipulating and raping white girls. These native Britons watched in horror as Starmer, as Director of Public Prosecutions, oversaw scandalously soft convictions for these criminals that even infuriated the mainstream media.

But this is the same toffee-mouthed barrister and prosecutor who has no qualms about locking up Britons for posting “racist comments” on Facebook or getting involved in a riot. Starmer is playing mind games with the population in line with his Trotskyist ideology of permanent global revolution.

It seems that the political “left,” which he and his circle and broad base of voters represent, are quite happy with the gradual and then not so gradual transformation of the essentially Christian nation of Britain into a quasi-Islamic state. Some have noted that it was the same left-Islamic alliance that overthrew the Shah of Iran and his modern state and replaced it with an Islamist theocracy.

Starmer’s Labour Party in opposition considered the idea of ​​creating a crime called Islamophobia, which would make criticism of the Islamic religion punishable by prison, and now they are re-launching the idea in an attempt to “tackle all forms of hatred”. This is the ultimate goal of a tyranny based on thought control. They haven’t learned anything from history – have they?

The Sunderland-Newcastle region, where mosques receive government funding to improve security.

The Sun newspaper published a special report on Starmer’s global campaign against the death penalty with the headline “Baby killers and axe murderers saved by Starmer”.

One of the people Starmer helped was a man who buried his two-year-old stepson alive. Starmer, as leader of the Labor Party, boasted that he “got his knighthood for a 20-year legal strategy around the world to abolish the death penalty.”

The Sunderland four Starmer singled out as examples are Leanne Hodgson, 43, (two and a half years), Andrew Smith, 41, (two years and two months), Josh Kellett, 29, (two and a half years) and Bradley Makin, 21, also charged with possession of class A drugs (two years). There are now hundreds of other everyday, working class Britons like them facing prison.

These are the Britons who have been betrayed by the deindustrialisation policies of successive Labour and Conservative governments. These are the communities where immigrants are dumped and where churches are converted into mosques, or where new ones are built. These are the Britons who have had to endure the intimidation of gangs and the crimes committed against their children.

Starmer, the Trotskyite lawyer and prosecutor who later joined the Labour Party, knows this all too well, yet he continues to promote the global agenda for social change to effectively transform his country into a technocratic dictatorship, where the ‘proletarians’ are locked in their electronically monitored urban prisons to be fed on cheap entertainment and welfare.

The North East CPS issued a statement to the media saying that “the convicts previously pleaded guilty to charges of violent disorder in connection with the widely condemned activities, which appear to have been fuelled by deliberate online disinformation.

“The swift prosecution of those involved was made possible by the deployment of additional resources and close cooperation across the criminal justice system, all aimed at ensuring the safety of the public.” Oh yes, bureaucrats are always concerned about your safety.

“Just a week ago in Sunderland today, those convicted were among a small minority of people involved in disgraceful mob violence on the city’s streets. The cumulative effect of that disorder was to create immeasurable fear for Sunderland residents and cause significant damage to local businesses,” said CPS spokesman Christopher Atkinson.

“As a result of their actions, they now all face significant prison sentences and a criminal record that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.” And this is exactly what Starmer and his cronies plan to do to any other Briton who dares to take a stand against their “new socialist order”.

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