Safeguarding Acronyms – Bramah HR

Abbreviation Explanation ABE Achieving Best Evidence. Guidance for Police Officers and Social Workers in conducting interviews with children where allegations of abuse are being investigated. ASC Adult Social Care CAIU Child Abuse Investigation Unit (Police) CAMAT Child Abuse Multi-Agency Training. CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CAFCASS Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection center (tackling child sex abuse and providing advice) CSE Child Sexual Exploitation CSPR Child Safeguarding Practice Review CPP Child Protection Plan. A plan created following a child protection conference that sets out how the child can be kept safe. CPOMS Child Protection Online Management System. The market leading software solution for monitoring Safeguarding, wellbeing and all pastoral issues. CO Care Order. Places a child under the care of the Local Authority. This is otherwise known as a child “being in care”. CSA Child Sexual Abuse CSC Children’s Social Care CCE Child Criminal Exploitation CSE Child Sexual Exploitation (one aspect of CSA) DASH Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and Honour-Based Violence (HBV). DV / DA Domestic Violence or Domestic Abuse DBS Disclosure and Barring Service. formerly known as the CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead (England) DSP Designated Senior Person (Wales) DVPN Domestic Violence Protection Notice DVPO Domestic Violence Protection Order. The next step up from a DVDN EH Early Help – “providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years”. Also known as EHA. EHH Early Help Hub EPO Emergency Protection Order. Protects a child from ongoing or imminent risk of physical, mental or emotional harm where emergency action is needed for a maximum period of eight days. EWO Education Welfare Officer FIS Family Information Service. provides information on childcare, activities and services for children and young people and family support in a local area FGM Female Genital Mutilation HBV Honour-Based Violence HV This could mean ‘home visit’ or Health Visitor HSB Harmful Sexualized Behavior. is developmentally inappropriate sexual behavior which is displayed by children and young people. IRO Independent Reviewing Officers. IROs Chair reviews for children living in children’s homes or foster care. ICPC Initial Child Protection Conference. brings together all the people involved with a child who is not already subject to a child protection plan. ICO Interim Care Order. An order that is applied for by the Local Authority to ask for the power to share Parental Responsibility with the parents of children they believe to be at risk. KCSiE Keeping Children Safe in Education (Education Guidance, England) KLS Keeping Learners Safe (Education Guidance, Wales) LAC Looked After Child, formerly children in care. LADO Local Authority Designated Officer. works within Children’s Services and gives advice and guidance to employers, organizations who have concerns about the behavior of an adult who works with children and young people. LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Board. Set up in each local authority and coordinates what is done to safeguard children in the area. MASH Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub MARAC Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference MARF Multi Agency Referral Form NFA No further action OFSTED Office for Standards in Education. (lead inspection agency for Children’s Services in England) PoCA Protection of Children Act PRU Pupil Referral Unit PR Parental Responsibility PPO Police Protection Order. In an emergency situation, children can be placed under police protection for up to 72 hours SRO Sexual Risk Order. is a civil order which can be sought by the police against an individual who has not been convicted or warned for a sexual offense but who is nevertheless thought by the police to pose a risk of harm. S47 or Section 47 Investigation of a child at risk of significant harm SERAPH Sexual Exploitation Risk Assessment Form. This aims to identify the factors that may render children and young people vulnerable to being targeted for CSE (child sexual exploitation). SEND Special Education Needs and Disability SGO Special Guardianship Order. TAC Team Around a Child (part of Early Help) TAF Team around the Family. provides a service to families who are likely to need help from two or more agencies (eg schools, health services, housing). UKCCIS UK Council for Child Internet Safety UNCRC United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. An international convention signed by Britain on which we have based much of our current child safeguarding legislation UASC Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Child YOT Youth Offending Team. is a multi-agency team that work with young people that get into trouble with the law.

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