Tales of the Burning Bear – Chapter Two – Turkish


Hi, this is the second chapter in the London Sci-Fi Noir novel I’m writing live on Substack. It would be great if some of you could stop by and take a look. I’m on chapter 12 and I’m publishing one chapter a week.


Ed the Ted is an old motorcycle mechanic and part-time armorer for the criminal ecology of the East End of London. Ed likes his Trinity, Fullers London Pride, Southend-on-Sea and 1960s British Engineering. What he doesn’t like is weird nonsense sent into his garage by a pattern-forming matrix from the afterlife.

Ed is about to have Algebra, the owner of the half-trillion dollar project, black market arms dealers and international criminal organizations go after him, because the world’s worst friend, Turkish, has placed the artifact on that part of the web where civilians are not allowed to go…


submitted by /u/BurningBearTales
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