JD Vance wants to create an international order in which China can be controlled

JD Vance wants to create an international order in which China can be controlled

Washington: Identifying China as both a competitor and an adversary, Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. J.D. Vance said Sunday his party wants to create a strong international framework within which the United States can “check” Beijing.

I think they’re both right and I think we want to create an international order here where we can contain China, Vance told CBS in an interview when asked whether he saw Beijing as a competitor or an adversary.

We don’t want war with China, but they are certainly an adversary… the Chinese know for example that they are producing tons of fentanyl, they are allowing it into our country. (Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate) Kamala Harris did nothing about it, Vance said on Face the Nation.

He said Harris should use her diplomatic and economic influence with the Chinese to stop them from producing fentanyl, which is then smuggled by Mexican drug cartels and shipped to the United States.

In response to a question, Vance said China should be warned about this.

“You go to Beijing, you talk to President Xi Jinping and you tell him that your entire economy is going to collapse if you don’t have access to the American market. You have to take this fentanyl seriously, otherwise we are going to impose heavy taxes and economic sanctions for not following our laws and not helping to stem the flow of this deadly poison,” he said.

According to Vance, it is unlikely that this will have any consequences for the US economy.

“I think we have a strong economy, with the best workers in the world. If we have to have a trade war with China, we will have it and we will win it, but we cannot do what Kamala Harris has done, which is be so afraid to use the economic power that we have that she is not even willing to stop the flow of this deadly poison into our country,” he said.

According to the Ohio senator, former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gets along well with world leaders and can compliment them if it makes him more effective diplomatically.

If you actually have good relationships with people and they trust you to keep your word. You have to remember that Democrats, including Kamala Harris, criticized Donald Trump for his good relationship with Vladimir Putin. Now, when Donald Trump was president, Vladimir Putin did not invade another country.

… So maybe they should take a cue from Trump’s diplomatic legitimacy, because I think Donald Trump accomplished a lot because world leaders respected him, Vance said.

Published August 11, 2024, 3:56 PM EAST


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