Addressing the unintended consequences of volunteer tourism on child exploitation, including identity – Protecting children’s identity

Last month, the UN Special Rapporteur on Sale and Sexual Exploitation (UN SR) and a consortium of stakeholders produced a report addressing the complex ethical dimensions of volunteer tourism and its impact on children. The report highlighted the unintended but harmful consequences – such as child exploitation and sexual abuse – of unregulated volunteer tourism, particularly in orphanages and childcare settings. A key aspect of this research is the focus on protecting children’s identities. Volunteer tourism often commodifies children and exploits their image for marketing and fundraising campaigns, putting them at further risk of abuse and neglect.

The report highlights the need to strengthen legal and policy frameworks and redirect public and private funding away from orphanages and towards family-based solutions. Furthermore, the UNSR calls for improved collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders involved and emphasises the importance of tourism companies and intermediaries in protecting children from exploitation. The report also suggests implementing robust background checks on volunteers and responsible tourism guidelines.

In light of these initiatives, CHIP welcomes the strategies outlined in the report, which CHIP sees as substantial steps towards a regulated system of volunteering that respects and protects all aspects of a child’s life, including his or her identity.


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