very sweet

heyguysi wrote something:


lie myth:

bravest and proudest:

lie myth:


very sweet

What a funny story…


Okay, some context for the non-Italians. Long story short: it’s virtually impossible from an engineering perspective. There are very strong and swirling currents, making it unfeasible to build a bridge where the coast is closest. The bridge would have to be built where the distance between the coasts is greater, perhaps a bit too great for a bridge, but also away from the cities, meaning it would still be quicker for people to get on a ferry than to drive all the way to the bridge. The ferry is fast and cheap. Plus, sustainable, non-polluting boats have been introduced, so literally no one in Sicily or Calabria wants a useless bridge, even if it could be built safely.

Also, it’s a seismic area, you really don’t want to do engineering experiments there.

Governments have been trying to find a way to build that bridge since the 1960s, but engineers have concluded that it can’t be done.

Also: the people of Sicily and Calabria have reason to believe that if such a project is given the green light, it will ultimately line the pockets of corrupt politicians and mafia groups.

pretty simple right? Yeah… NO!

the italian right wing has been waving the proposal to build that bridge for decades. every now and then, when you think you are free, BAM the right wing political genius of the moment comes up with a bill to build the bridge. before it was Berlusconi, now Berlusconi is dead, recently it is Salvini. they propose to build the bridge, the left says “what the fuck”, and the right says: look!! the left does not want progress and development for the country!! they want the country to waste away and die!!

(Meanwhile, taxpayers’ dollars are being used to pay committees to figure out how to build the bridge, while ignoring the fact that there have been a billion committees in almost a century, all of which have concluded that it can’t be done.)

(Remember what I said about corrupt politicians and mafia groups? Then try to guess why it is the right-wing parties that keep pushing for the building of this fucking bridge.)

It has become a national joke. If you tell an Italian about the bridge over the strait, he will laugh as he goes through the five stages of Italian political mourning.


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