Damascus calls on US occupation forces to stop bombing Syrians and leave the country

Through The Cradle

Syria on Saturday called on the United States to stop bombing Syrians, end support for Kurdish “separatist militias” and immediately withdraw from Syrian territory.

A statement from the Syrian Foreign Ministry said: “US warplanes, with the support of the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) militia, carried out several attacks in Deir Ezzor, Hasakah and Qamishlitargeted at innocent civilians defending their families, villages and properties.”

Through the Middle East Institute

Earlier, a Syrian security source had said Sputnik That American helicopters bombed several villages in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, allowing the SDF to retake the villages and towns they lost two days ago after heavy fighting with Syrian government-backed tribal forces.

The statement continued: “The SDF, an agent of the US occupation forces, carried out criminal attacks against our people in Deir Ezzor, Hasakah and Qamishli, in addition to other villages in the eastern and northeastern regions. These barbaric attacks resulted in the martyrdom of a number of Syrian civilians, including women and children.”

The U.S. military began working with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in 2014. The YPG is a split from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and later changed its name to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Together, the US and the SDF occupy northwestern Syria, including Hasakah, Raqqa and parts of Deir Ezzor. Deny Syria access to its oil reserves and wheat-producing farmlandSyria is also suffering from harsh US economic sanctions, further impoverishing the war-torn country.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry statement continued: “The Syrian Arab Republic affirms that the US occupation of part of Syrian territory represents a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty and the unity and integrity of its territories, and that the United States’ support for its separatist militias represents a violation of Syrian sovereignty and the unity and integrity of its territories. a cheap instrument to carry out its hostile plans against Syria.”

Syria stressed that “all these inhuman and immoral practices against the population in the eastern and northeastern regions, including the prevention of the supply of food and drinking water, aim to double the suffering of Syrians and prolong the war against them.”

The statement continued: “Syria affirms that the will of its people to liberate their country and preserve their sovereignty will be fulfilled, no matter how great the sacrifices, and that the terrorism and crimes of those militias will not weaken their resolve.”

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in turn claimed that 13 civilians were killed and 12 others wounded in attacks by Syrian government forces in Deir Ezzo.r in the past week as part of a campaign against the SDF.

Xebat Siettî, from the SDF’s Hajin Military Council Command, said: “The forces of the Damascus government and the gangs of Difa al-Watani have massively bombed our positions. There was also an attempt at infiltration on the ground. The Hajin Military Council drove out the attackers, who then retreated to the other bank of the Euphrates.”


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