Sunday Highlights – Big Brother Network

Sunday was a quieter day, but still very busy for the Big Brother 26 Houseguests, who were preparing for Monday’s meeting and the question of whether or not he would use the Veto. Of course he will! But the Deepfake HOH isn’t so sure.

Meanwhile, there was more talk about the forbidden showmance between Tucker and Rubina, while others debated their own Big Brother alliances and the next steps if they were betrayed.

Read on to find out what happened in the Big Brother 26 house on Sunday as the HGs made plans for the upcoming ceremony.

09:45 AM BBT – HGs start the date late, but they’re getting into the swing of things.

09:55 AM BBT – Tucker advises Cedric to stay calm during the Arena for his best chance at winning. Tucker says he would rather work with Cedric than Makensy (one of his Arena opponents). Tucker says he won’t hold a grudge like some HGs would.

10:00 AM BBT – Tucker warns Cedric that Quinn is a snake in the grass.

10:10 AM BBT – HGs tell Quinn about his sleepwalking/talking last night. This is a recurring event.

10:20 AM BBT – T’kor and Rubina agree that they are both a little concerned about Tucker and Cedric’s conversation this morning.

10:45 AM BBT – Tucker feeds the fish.

10:45 AM BBT – Brooklyn and Chelsie agree that they’re okay with Rubina getting F9. Chelsie also worries that Joseph will keep talking himself into trouble.

11:30 AM BBT – The HGs are practicing together in the garden.

11:50 AM BBT – Joseph and Quinn discuss this week’s target, which is Makensy, and Quinn is okay with it. They know Makensy is a great athlete, so it’s not a bad thing to take her out now.

12:15 PM BBT – Exercising throughout the house.

1:30 PM BBT – Cam and Joseph discuss what they would do with the money if they won. Cam would be a car, not a house. Joseph doesn’t want a car and would continue living as if he didn’t have the money.

15:30 BBT Cedric tells Brooklyn that he will fight hard to win Arena, but he seems to be confirmed as to what will happen if he doesn’t. Brooklyn assures Cedric that he will be safe with the vote.

15:40 BBT – Cedric thinks Tucker will target 3 from the Pentagon if he gets HOH. Brooklyn thinks Tucker will target Leah and Quinn, but isn’t sure about the third HG.

4:00 PM BBT – Rubina tells via a chat that she is confident that she will survive the Block.

4:05 PM BBT – Tucker pitches to Kimo that they can target Cedric this week if he stays on the Block, saves Makensy, and then beats Cedric in the Arena. Kimo isn’t too confident they have the numbers to do that.

4:15 PM BBT – Angela strongly encourages Tucker not to save Makensy with his Veto, saying he already had his shocking moment last week.

5:35 PM BBT – Kimo tells T’kor that Joseph says Tucker is in a showmance. T’kor thinks Joseph will get in trouble for talking out of turn.

6:00 PM BBT – T’kor and Kimo discuss the votes. They think it could be a tie and wonder how Angela could break it, since she’s working with Tucker, but Cedric also promised she would rule in his favor. They consider trying to work with Tucker and telling him that they were just dragged into the Collective and went along with it.

19:50 BBT – Angela received a surprise birthday basket in Storage from Big Brother. Unfortunately, her birthday is next Sunday (Aug. 18).

8:00 PM BBT – Tucker talks to Rubina about whether or not he should take her off The Block.

8:30 PM BBT – HGs play mafia in the backyard.

9:00 PM BBT – Quinn told Joseph that Tucker is considering not using the Veto on himself again this week (not true, just what he tells Quinn). Joseph is stunned.

10:25 PM BBT – Kimo and Quinn discuss who they can trust. Quinn trusts Kimo, Cedric, Joseph, and T’kor. Kimo is unsure about Brooklyn and thinks something is wrong. Quinn thinks Joseph is too defensive and cautious.

10:30 PM BBT – Makensy and Tucker discuss Quinn’s threat to re-instate Rubina. Tucker thinks it might actually help his own game if that were to happen.

10:35 PM BBT – Tucker talks to Angela about using the Veto on himself. He knows he can’t take the risk again this week, so he’s going to save himself. Tucker mentions that Brooklyn tried to convince him that it would be great to see him stay on the block and win his way off. Tucker really wants to see Cedric this week (not going to happen). Angela says that Makensy wants to work with Tucker. Tucker thinks Quinn is having trouble sleeping because he has to sort out all the things/stories he’s told.

10:45 PM BBT – Angela and Tucker decide to do an F2. Tucker remains determined to take out Cedric.

10:50 PM BBT – Quinn pitches to Kimo that they can plan some surprise moves, like turning the Collective around and targeting Cedric. Quinn really wants to make sure Angela is gone before Jury.

11:00 PM BBT – Tucker and Rubina discuss that nothing can happen on the show level, so they stay focused on the competition.

11:25 PM BBT – Quinn brought a lawn chair up to the HN room for better furniture to sleep on (he sleeps there because of his sleepwalking/talking), but now Big Brother tells him to bring it back. He’s annoyed that they made him come all the way upstairs in the first place.

12:00 AM BBT – HGs were told the backyard would be closed tomorrow (for the next HOH competition, which has to be something big), so they’re trying to enjoy it while they can.

12:05 AM BBT – Tucker mentions that he had a friend named Cody who was on this show and also on Traitors. Feeds cut.

12:35 AM BBT – Kimo and Rubina discuss her upcoming re-election. Rubina says Leah was surprised when she told her. Kimo says he doubts she was really surprised. Kimo knows Leah is attracted to Tucker, but Tucker isn’t interested in her.

12:40 AM BBT – T’kor joins them and tells Rubina that she will do just fine on the Block next to Makensy. Rubina is worried if she ends up next to Cedric (yep).

01:10 AM BBT – Rubina talks to Tucker and says that she’s worried about going up against Cedric, but not about going up against Makensy. Tucker thinks she’ll do just fine against Cedric, but Rubina disagrees.

01:20 AM BBT – Tucker says that Angela tried to warn him about Quinn earlier in the season, but he didn’t listen like he should have. Tucker wonders if he can get Cedric to turn on Quinn.

02:45 AM BBT – T’kor is still awake and outside, alone. Cedric comes out and they chat. T’kor says she can’t sleep because the rest of them are being loud.

03:00 AM BBT – Cedric and T’kor discuss the possibilities of a battle back and wonder if there will be a pre- and post-jury phase.

03:15 AM BBT – Cedric tells T’kor that he only signed up as a Nom because Angela won HOH. He doesn’t think he wants to do that again. Cedric goes inside while T’kor stays outside alone.

So we know Tucker will save himself and Rubina goes up as Quinn’s renom. I’m very curious to see if we can get a tiebreaker and I really don’t see that happening with the Collective’s numbers unless they start to fall apart in the coming days. Rubina’s safety rests on Makensy staying on the Block after the Arena, so we’ll see what happens Thursday night.

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