PM: We will respond strongly

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has condemned last night’s shooting that left several dead and injured in Clarendon and called for a meeting of the National Security Council at 9am this morning.

Prime Minister: We will respond forcefully

In a statement late last night, the prime minister promised a strong response to the “brutality”.

Read the statement:


August 12, 2024

For immediate release:

Prime Minister calls NSC meeting, condemns Clarendon gun attack

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has called a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) for Monday, August 12, 2024 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be convened to discuss a brutal gun attack on Cherry Tree Lane in Clarendon on Sunday evening.

The Prime Minister was commenting on the criminal act after receiving a preliminary briefing from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

Prime Minister Holness advised the police to do everything in their power to bring to justice the criminals who committed this cowardly act.

“I condemn this reprehensible and brutal attack which resulted in the murder of several people in Clarendon. I extend my deepest condolences to all the families affected by this tragedy. I have spoken to the High Command of the Police and advised that all efforts must be made to bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible. The Jamaican state will not tolerate such cruelty against our people. We will respond forcefully,” Prime Minister Holness promised.

The Prime Minister says the incident is a reminder that despite the approximately 17 percent reduction in the number of murders this year, the government must continue and intensify efforts to aggressively tackle criminal gangs across Jamaica.

“We will not relent in our efforts to reduce crime and we will not surrender our society to criminals. I want to assure the nation that my government will continue to pursue a multi-faceted approach as we support the security forces in their effort to further reduce violent crime,” Prime Minister Holness said.

The Prime Minister also urged anyone with information about the gun attack on Cherry Tree Lane in Clarendon to tell police what they know.


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