They believed in The System and then it became psychotic and devoured them

One of the most difficult things about the current crisis is describing just how strange it is. Many claim that this is just history returning to its dismal norm (feudalism and slavery) but I contend that in many ways we are in uncharted territory.

I struggle to find the right metaphor to describe it:

  • Yes, it’s a genocide which harkens back to the horrors of Germany in the 1940s but in this case the Nazis are eagerly killing themselves.

  • Yes, it’s like the Moscow show trials where Stalin prosecuted the heroes of the Russian revolution. But I don’t think that anyone other than Arthur Koestler (Darkness at Noon) really believes that the Bolsheviks on trial were genuinely confessing rather than just taking a plea deal to try to save their families. By contrast the Covidians are eagerly participating in their own demise and sacrificing their own families to serve the glorious junk science mRNA revolution.

  • The Covid hysteria resembles manias and panics from earlier eras. But tulip mania was just a financial bubble and witch trials were the theocratic feudal state persecuting a subaltern “other” that threatened their power. In our case the society-wide hypnosis is now in its fifth year and shows no signs of abating and, again, the hypnotized are killing themselves in unprecedented numbers.

  • One might argue that this is a mass suicide event but it has none of the valor and defiance of oppressed people resisting conquest (such as the Teutons, Numantines, and Sicarii killing themselves rather than be enslaved by the Roman empire).

  • Well perhaps it’s a mass suicide event akin to a cult? However the scale is unprecedented — in the tens of millions. Literally all of civil society throughout the developed world became Jonestown but without a charismatic leader and without the coercion of armed men.

So the Covid crisis has elements of genocide, show trials, hysteria, mass suicide, and cults. But it’s also stranger than that and more than the sum of its psychotic parts.

I’m struck by the ways that The System is now devouring its most devout adherents:

Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube with a net worth of $800 million, censored the scientific information that could have saved her life (deleting over one million Covid-related videos). Last week she died of turbo cancer (a known Covid vaccine side effect) at 56 years old.

Oveta Fuller, the first Black woman faculty member hired in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Michigan Medical School, served on the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee where she voted to authorize the shot that ultimately killed her.

President Joe Biden mandated the shot that left him unable to seek re-election because of rapidly advancing dementia.

Fred Hiatt, Editorial page editor for the Washington Post, enthusiastically promoted the shot that ultimately killed him.

Paul Farmer, the most beloved public health figure in the world, led the global effort for “Covid vaccine equity”. He died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest in Rwanda in 2022 at age 62.

You can be darn sure that if these people were anti-vaxxers and met similar fates we’d already be in concentration camps right now.

But what I’m struck by is what this tells us about The System. Elite university education, regulation, public health, science, medicine, and doctors were Good Things. They fit together as part of a system of liberal democratic capitalism that included free markets and regular elections with the peaceful transfer of power. Sure there were flaws and things that needed improvement. But there was a belief that our leaders aspired to do good and that merit existed (even if it was often obscured or twisted).

None of that is true anymore. At some point along the way The System became psychotic and now it’s a machine that is devouring people. If one obeys the CDC, the mainstream media, or our political leaders one will soon be enslaved by chronic illness and die impoverished and in misery. I have yet to see anyone fully grapple with the enormous implications of all of this. The disastrous Covid response was only possible because all of civil society gladly went Nazi and not a single one of those monsters has yet to admit he/she was wrong.

That’s why we’re all walking around bewildered. There is no society left to return to.

All that remains is a smoldering psychotic genocidal mafia state populated by the people we used to admire. No amount of new data is sufficient to get them to change course. The leaders of these institutions (who haven’t died yet) wear the same outfits and same smiles and have the same titles, but they are zombies who aren’t making sense and are incapable of doing the right thing.

For me the problem is so much bigger than the biowarfare industrial complex — it’s that all of society (except the Resistance) is now the biowarfare industrial complex or its enabler. We have to rebuild or replace ALL OF IT not just the Gates and Faucis of the world. We have to replace the rotten ideology and all of the rotten institutions that did this to us. The “sudden and unexpected” deaths will continue until we overthrow The System once and for all.

Blessings to the warriors. 🙌

Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏

Huzzah for those who are building the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊

In the comments, please let me know what is on your mind.

As always, I welcome any corrections.


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