Docs: Lost Cell Phone Leads to Arrest of Muncie Man Who Stored More Than 3,000 Photos of Child Porn and Bestiality

MUNCIE, Ind. — A Muncie man is facing at least 30 felony charges after someone found his lost cellphone and discovered “thousands” of photos depicting violent child pornography and bestiality.

Dustin N. “Torsten” Davis, 39, was arrested and booked into the Delaware County Jail last Friday on 30 counts of child exploitation – a Level 5 Felony. This occurred after police were contacted by a person who had found Davis’ lost cell phone and found large amounts of child pornography on it.

Dustin Davis arrest photo

In late June, Muncie police received a call from someone who found a blue Motorola G phone in a grassy area outside her home. She reportedly saw a name — Dustin Davis — on the phone’s lock screen and messaged Davis on social media.

Davis reportedly replied that he had lost the “moto g play” a few days earlier. That’s when the woman made a shocking discovery.

“The plaintiff attempted to confirm ownership by viewing the contents of an internal SD card,” court documents state. “In the process, she found extensive child abuse material on the memory card.”

The finder then called the police, reported what she had found and handed over the phone.

During a search of the phone’s contents the next day, detectives reportedly found more than 3,000 child pornography images and videos of “very young women” – some of which contained violence, assault and bestiality. They also found several “selfies” of Davis among the contents.

Because there were thousands of images, police said they didn’t review everything they recovered. Instead, investigators said they determined how many months Davis had access to the illegal content. A total of 10 months between September 2023 and June 2024 were found.

Davis was arrested around 1:00 p.m. on August 8 and taken to the police station for questioning. During an interview with detectives, Davis allegedly said the cell phone was his and admitted to viewing child pornography on it.

“Davis confirmed that he had looked up child pornography and stated that he ‘wanted to report things,'” the court documents state. “Davis later stated that he had searched for child pornography in an effort to ‘see if it was easily accessible.'”

When pressed by police, Davis reportedly said he was not attracted to children and would never touch a child. Instead, Davis said he would watch child pornography “out of boredom.”

Davis was subsequently arrested and booked into the Delaware County Jail on 30 preliminary charges of child exploitation and was given a $250,000 bond. An initial hearing has not yet been scheduled in his case.

Online court records show that, in addition to these charges, Davis has previously been charged with stalking, invasion of privacy, domestic violence, criminal damage, speeding and driving while suspended. All of his previous charges were in courts in Muncie City or Delaware County.

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