Paint me like a sunset


Do the other killers have animals associated with them? Like Kye and their black jaguar? If I may ask, what are those animals?

Yes they do!! Kye is actually associated with two animals: a black jaguar and a Chinese dragon, because all assassins are associated with an animal in the Chinese zodiac!

  • Rat – known as the “Golden Emperor”, he is basically the mafia boss who owns them all (I haven’t designed him yet)
  • Ox – Chandra / Moon
  • Tiger – Cold / Mars
  • Rabbit – Yama / Pluto
  • Dragon – Kye / Mercurius
  • Snake – Shani / Saturn
  • Horse – Kajur / Sun
  • Goat – Sei Xin / Neptune
  • Monkey – Yozu / Uranus
  • Rooster – Hiu / Venus
  • Dog – Shi-Shii / Earth
  • Pig – Marduk / Jupiter

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