The Coming Offspring – An Air Force Base or a New Nation?

After Muslim fanatics had their way, Sheikh Hasina fled to India to seek refuge with the Hindus. She is now reportedly seeking asylum in the Christian West!
After Muslim fanatics had their way, Sheikh Hasina fled to India to seek refuge with the Hindus. She is now reportedly seeking asylum in the Christian West!

Complicated story of secular intrigue

Events in neighboring Bangladesh have unfolded with unprecedented speed, complications and complexities. It is a challenge to figure out who is who and whose side they are on. Muslims in Bangladesh have gone into a frenzy against a Muslim government when the supreme leader Sheikh Hasina made public about a plot to cut off a Christian country from Bangladesh. In the aftermath of Muslim fanatics went on a rampage, she fled to seek refuge among the Hindus of India, from whence she is said to be seeking asylum in the Christian West! Never was there a more complicated tale of worldly intrigue.

A mysterious ‘White man‘, clearly a Christian, who wants to build an air base in Bangladesh, an Islamic country, which owns an island with the Christian name Saint Martinto oversee the Buddhist dominated BurmaHindu dominated IndiaBuddhist BhutanHindu Nepaland in the distance occupied China Tibet and the communist mainland ChinaSheikh Hasina’s aversion to accepting such a devious plan motivated the mysterious white man to instigate a Muslim uprising by Islamic Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) cadres and its jihadist ally Jamaat-e-IslamiThe fanatical Madrassa-trained Jamaat-e-Islami cadres lit a communal cauldron, went on an orgy of killing and raping the minority Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. That this subplot would become the centerpiece was never expected by the conspiring Western countries. They quickly ensured that their protégé Mohammed Yunuswho has already won a Nobel Prize, will take on the role of chief adviser to the interim government — a position equivalent to that of the prime minister. Together with him, 13 other advisors were appointed, including student representatives. The Anti-Corruption Commission is in the process of withdrawing all prosecution cases filed against Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank colleagues.

India has much to learn from the developments that have taken place in Bangladesh. Despite all her pretensions, Sheikh Hasina was a hardcore Islamist, but she was powerless to Christian conspirators. India has always been busy advertising its secular credentials, when in reality most countries have a religious identity and look down on those who are not committed to one of the Abrahamic religions. Secular credentials are often seen as an invitation to fundamentalist forces to cause conversion, especially in sensitive areas. As a result of peddling secularism, India has ensured that the entire Northeast has achieved almost 100% conversion to Christianity, which started during the British era. Today, when Sheikh Hasina warns that a western nation is planning to create a Christian country, the Northeast of India has completely disappeared. Even remote areas like Sikkim, Arunachal Pradeshand even Tawangare faced with the burden of missionary bands, and the docile Buddhist religion is unable to counter the aggressive thrust of the proselytizers. Conversely, the aggressive Sikhs of Punjab are also succumbing to the wiles of the wily missionaries. The greatest menace to the Sikhs and Hindus of Punjab today is the proselytizing machinations of hyperactive evangelists. The dangerous designs, particularly in border districts and states, must be effectively rooted out. Removal of the term ‘secularism’ from the Constitution can save preserve the integrity of the country.

Despite the fact that Bangladesh is a National Population Policythe massive population overload has contributed to rampant poverty, unemployment and infiltration into neighbouring India. Successive Indian governments have avoided implementing a strong national population policy. As a result, the misguided Muslim community has aggressively promoted large families, created vast enclaves exclusively for themselves, influenced election results and policies, and forced governments to reconsider their obscurantist compulsionsIf the population is not controlled, enclaves will spring up, turning democratic elections into a major disaster and creating violent divisions.

The by the Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) reveals that while the number of schools and colleges in the country has been steadily increasing over the past fifteen years, the number of students enrolling in Madrassas continued to rise. In 2019, there were 2.4 million students in madrassas. By 2023, the number would rise to 2.75 million. This is another important warning for India that as the Muslim population grows, madrassa education will increase and become the source of fundamentalism. The Bengal uprising is of the madrassa-educated fundamentalists, who have a completely different agenda. The Muslim government of Bangladesh itself became helpless in the face of the barbaric hordes. In India, the situation is even worse. For example, the Allahabad High Court In a March 2024 ruling, it struck down a 2004 law governing Madrasas in Uttar Pradesh, saying it was against India’s constitutional secularism, and ordered that students be shifted to conventional schools. The Allahabad High Court order frees 2.7 million students in 25,000 Madrasas to receive a regular education. The ruling also said that “the state government shall also ensure that children between the ages of 6 and 14 are not left unadmitted in recognized institutions.” There are many private Madrasas besides the government-funded ones, over which the government has no control nor any idea of ​​the curriculum taught. There are also online educational programs controlled from the Middle East, where there is no government control whatsoever. Given the large number of Madrassas, the growing population and the lack of government control, it would be difficult to enforce the orders of the Supreme Court and even the High Court. There would come a time when the fundamentalist students would decide, as in Bangladesh, whether the Chief Justice should remain in office or not. They have ordered all other judges “loyal to (Hasina’s) Awami League” to resign and a restructuring of the country’s judiciary. This is a lesson to the Indian judiciary not to encourage students from certain communities to pursue religious education only. The nation would have only one uniform system of liberal education, one standard uniform, and if possible, all religious institutions of every community should have a minimum age of 18 years and above. This would wipe out a lot of unhealthy fundamentalist zeal, goals and objectives. All online religious education from abroad should be banned outright.

Another one serious lesson for the Indian government, in Bangladesh the entire army and police simply succumbed to the threats of the fundamentalist students. Every organ of the government was numbed into a paralyzed state. The orgy of violence that was unleashed created an eerie atmosphere of fear. Everyone wanted to escape from death, rape and destruction. An entire nation sank into the quagmire of cowardice. In India, many sane people have advocated compulsory military service, but to no avail. Perhaps the expenditure could be a deterrent. However, the government could easily institute compulsory military training for all government employees, including public sector and those serving in border areas, as part of their training curriculum. Further, one Saturday in a month could be set aside for conducting military exercises combined with disaster management. Any country planning to destabilize externally or internally should shudder at the prospect of to encounter such a formidable force.

The facts in the public domain show that there is a clear failure of many intelligence agencies in Bangladesh. There is no doubt that Sheikh Hasina has exposed the ‘Christian land’ plan hatched by white men, but intelligence agencies never expected that Bangladesh would be shaken by fundamentalists and the nation would fall into chaos. Whether Indian intelligence agencies had any inkling of what was about to happen is not known? Events reported in the media would indicate that both the Bangladeshi and Indian intelligence agencies had little information about the bloody drama that unfolded. There appears to be a very strong case for the adoption and assimilation of emerging technologies into the way intelligence is collected, analyzed, and delivered to decision makers. Many new technologies have the potential to unlock deeper and broader data-driven insights and deliver them faster, at greater scale, and with greater specificity to many intelligence agencies. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset, machine learning (ML), cloud computing and advanced sensors, among others, can augment intelligence and improve intelligence performance. There is no doubt that under Mr. Modi’s tenure, and under Mr. Ajit Doval‘s management, India’s external spy agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), has benefited from additional resources and operational freedom. This policy should be extended to all other intelligence agencies operating in the Northeast. Active, multiple intelligence agencies are preferable to a single agency, however resourceful it may be.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Hasina is comfortably ensconced in a secret location in predominantly Hindu India, from where she could beg Christian Western countries for a quiet place from which to write her memoirs about her white tormentor. Muhammad Yunus is also said to have planned to to deliver her, to avenge the criminal cases brought against him. Will he hand over the island of St. Martin to the unknown white man? How will the fundamentalists react to a new Christian country emerging from the womb of their Islamic country? After the Grameen Bank, Yunus will be the ground bankwho knows, maybe a chance for another Nobel Prize?

1. Text in Blue refers to additional information on the subject.
2. The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.

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Dr. Shreekumar Menon

IRS (Rtd), Ph. D. (Narcotics)

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