Norway and Denmark combat advancing Swedish migrant gangs

Denmark recently introduced border controls on its border with Sweden, claiming that both criminal gangs and Islamic extremists are exporting violence to the country.

Last week, Danish Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard openly stated that he did not want the ongoing social tensions that exist in Sweden and are a result of a lack of integration to also occur in Denmark.

According to Danish police, the problem in Denmark, in addition to the armed conflict, is that criminals are now recruiting gang members and child soldiers from neighboring Sweden to carry out illegal activities on Danish soil.

“This is completely unacceptable,” said Hummelgaard.

In mid-June, two young gangsters from Sweden were arrested for attempted murder in Copenhagen. Two more youths were recently arrested for crossing the border and carrying out two separate shootings in Denmark.

“I take the events I have seen and the information I have received from the police very seriously. It is highly unacceptable that Swedes and people living in Sweden commit serious crimes in Denmark. We do not want Swedish conditions in Denmark,” Hummelgaard stressed.

‘Swedish conditions’ have become a key concept not only in Denmark but also in Norway, namely gang crime dominated by immigrants.

According to Kristin Kvigne, head of the Norwegian National Bureau of Investigation, criminal gangs from Sweden are now present in all police districts in the country and there is great concern that violence will increase.

“There is a fear that Norwegian criminals will copy the methods of Swedish criminals, such as recruiting very young people,” Kvigne told national radio.

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